Monday, December 7, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. XXI

Can You Hear The Music, Its like a Magnificent Sonata, being Played by a Universal Symphonic Orchestra!

Can You Hear The Sonorities, The Harmonies, and The Melodies All Evolving Together with a Symphysis of Voices all Calling Out for Peace! Peace Now!
Can You Feel it?
This is The Time for One and All to Sing Together, "Lets Give Peace a Chance!"

Its Time for Peace to Come and Be Here Now!
Its Time for One and All to Sing Out in One Beautiful Choir of Voices "Peace, Peace At last!"
This is The Way To Peace!

It Transcends War and Conflict, Jealousy and Greed, Lust and Hate, Poverty and Injustice!
This is The Way To Peace!

Can You Feel The Rhythms of a Billion of Hearts, and, Marching Feet to The Beat of A World of Percussion, Pulsating with The Desire for Peace Now!
Not Tomorrow, Now!

Can You Feel A Great Orchestral Movement Inspiring You, and, Lifting Your Heart and Soul to UN-imaginable Heights, Filled with Hope! This Truly is The Way To Peace!
And to, A New Peace Millennium!

Can You Feel, Note after Note Building a Bridge of Wonderment, Atonement, and Belief, All in The Name of Peace!

Can You Feel A Great Nexus of Power Chords Immersing with a Sacred Orchestra of Violins, Wind chimes, and Bells, Fusing Our Universal Peace Movement into an Enlightened Soul Force of The Truth!
A Soul Force Rooted in The Reality that A Change Must Come!
A Change that Calls for All of The Leaders of This Planet Earth, To Give Peace a Chance!
A Change that Allows for this World of Ours to Live in Peace!
Allowing for Our Present and Future Generations to Be able to Dream of A Life filled with Opportunity and Peace!
Let it Be, Here and Now!

"We" have But, to Desire it! Believe in it! And, Let it Evolve into a Crescendo of Global Consciousness, Calling for An Age of Peace!
And, What a Gracious Gift To The World if The Leaders of The United Nations Agreed to Give Peace a Chance During the End of The Year Holidays, and on, into The New Year!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Whomever and Wherever You May be, Its Time for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!
And, Its Time for A New Peace Millennium!

"We" have But to Reach Out to One Another, and In Doing so, Reach Out to Each and Every Citizen of This Planet Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun, and, Spread The Word to One and All, that It is Time for Peace on Earth!

And, Though the Path May be Filled with Impediments to Our Rightful Cause,
Be Not Dismayed by the Evil Intentions of Those, who would Try to Deter us from Achieving and Attaining Our Goals!
Let us instead Rejoice in Each and Every Step and Sacrifice made, as "We" Advance Forward, and, Sing A Song of Peace! For this to, Is The Way To Peace!