Friday, December 18, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. XXIV

Its Time for The World Leaders of The United Nations to do more than talk about the myriad problems that this Earth and The Citizens of The World are faced with!
"We" need Solutions and Action! Now!

It would be different if the deep concerns such as; Climate Concern, Poverty and Homelessness, Insurance and Health care, Education Costs and The Lack of Faith, UN-Employment, War, Crime, Tax Abuse and New Racial Tensions, plus, the Growing Disparity between The Rich and Poor, were Issues that have Not had a Negative Effect on our Al Lives for Centuries! But they have!

And, "We The People," Citizens of The Earth deserve more than the Lip Service that "We" have received for Decades, if, Not Centuries!

"We" need more than eloquent speeches!
"We" need World Leaders who are willing to take a Hands on Perspective!
Who show a Deep Concern about The Poor by Not being Afraid to Walk amongst them, as One with them! Clothe them! Share the Fruits of The Earth with them! Find Safe Homes and Shelter for them! And, By Physically being Amongst them, Give them Hope that Someone Sincerely cares about their lives!

The Citizens of The World need Leaders who are Physically Engaged in Making a Difference for the Betterment of All Mankind! Leaders, who are of The People!

Leaders who are Not Afraid of Losing an Election if it Means Doing the Right Thing!

Leaders who are Not Afraid to Lose the Financial support of Lobbyists who represent self interest groups, even, if it means Offending these groups of self interest, for the Benefit the Families of Those who are Less Fortunate!

Leaders who Lead by their Good Consciousness and Not by some Analytical Polling service!

"We" do Not need Leaders who are UN-Willing to Provide a Free Education for Our Son' s and Daughter's, but, are all to willing to finance sending them to fight in one UN-Declared War after War!

"We" do Not need Leaders who are Afraid to Call a For a Vote to Find out if The Citizens of The Earth are Willing to support their Political intentions and Foreign affair Policies!

"We" do Not need Leaders who are all to willing to Tax The People, while Creating Tax Holes and Tax Breaks for Big Business!

There is an inconsistency and hypocrisy to these World Leaders who talk about Climate Control, and, Caring for our Earth, and, then continue to Support the Same ole Destructive Behavioral patterns that have Brought us to this Shameful Place in Time! "They" (the infamous "They") have Raped and Ravaged The Earth, and, "They" expect us to believe that, Now, "They" have our Best interests in Mind!
It is Obvious that these Leaders will Not Lead us to The Way of Peace!

They talk about Reform, Transparency, Accountability, and, Caring for the Souls and Welfare of their Constituencies, who were once their Friends and Neighbors. And, then, "They" Blatantly Lie, all the while smiling in our Faces!
Or, Use impressive rhetoric to try and influence us! Rhetoric that No Longer fools anyone, but "They" continue to Abuse our Intelligence, by Telling it to us Over and Over again.

And, then "They" act Offended by the Loss of our civility, when "We" strongly express our Dissatisfaction with them!

"They" don't seem to understand that "We" are no longer fooled by their rhetoric!

"They" don't seem to be able to comprehend that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth have had enough!

"We" have had Enough of their False Promises! And, Enough of their Campaign Slogans of Reform!
"We" want more than this. Our Children deserve more than this!
If there is to be a Future Generation, or, Planet Earth, "We" must have more than this!

And, If "We" are to truly have A New Peace Millennium, "We" have to have more than this to achieve our goals of Peace on Earth, and, A Shared Prosperity for One and All!

If there was ever a Time for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue, that Time is Now!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Whomever, and Wherever You May be,
Let us Rise as One, as A Great Soul Force, A Non-Violent Illuminating and Omnipotent Earthrise of Peace!

Let our Voices sing out above the Static and Chaos that would try to consume us and condition us to believe in a Capitalistic Oligarchy!

And, If there ever was a Time to Build a Peace Bridge that Connects all of Our Hearts and Souls together, in One Purpose,that Time is Now!

Its more than Time that "We" Demanded of The World Leaders of The United Nations, that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth Desire To Live in Peace!
And, that "We" Demand that "They" do All that is in their Power to Protect and Preserve This Peace!
A Peace on Earth, that is Based on Equality and Respect for One and All!
It is Time for A Peace Change!

And, If there ever was a Time to Build a Nexus of Peace between us that is Everlasting, that Time is, also, now!
Quite simply my Friends, It is Time that "We" Gave Peace a Chance!