Monday, December 21, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. XXV

Its become more obvious that today's Politicians have lost all perspective of what their responsibilities are supposed to be! And, unfortunately for "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, it does not seem to matter whether the dominant political party of The U.S. Congress is Republican, or, Democrat! Independent, Liberal or, Conservative!
Think about it! The U.S. has fought in two UN-Declared Wars over the Last Nine years, with a Republican, and, now, a Democrat as Commander in Chief!
It only adds to the Tragic Nature of these UN-Declared Wars, that the original reason for both of these Wars had valid and honorable reasons!
So, why didn't The U.S. Congress declare war on The Taliban/Al Queda, or, Iraq?
This would have been the Honorable thing to do! In the Name of Justice and Retribution!
These Acts of War would have been Honorable Ones, if The U.S. Congress had Voted to Declare War, instead, "We" are left with Pre-Emptive Strikes, and, Relived Memories of The Vietnam, UN-Declared, War to Haunt us all over again!
With vague Exit Strategies that "We The People" no longer Believe in!
Why is there Such a Lack of Honesty, and, Sincerity in The World of Politics!
"They" (the Infamous "They") offend The People with their Compromises, Rhetoric, Lies, and Half Truths! All Committed in The Name of Truth, and, Democracy!
This is not The Way To Peace!
This is not The Way to An Honorable Peace Millennium!
This is an Effrontery to "We The People," Citizens of The Earth!
And, while these Men, and, Women continue their Back room, Negotiations in their World of Politics, our Religious Leaders remain silent!
These Religious Leaders remain silent while UN-Employment figures Reach as High as Seventeen percent in some areas of the U.S.
And, as "We" are all aware of, All the The Global Economies are greatly affected by the Failures of The U.S. Economy!
But the Damage that has been Afflicted upon The People of this Great Country is as Great as any Shakespearean Tragedy could have ever been!
Both, Political and Religious Leaders have Betrayed their Constituencies, or, more precisely, The Children, Women, and, Men who Depend on these Leaders to Show them the Way!
"We" Depend on their Fair Judgement!"We" Depend on their Upholding of The Principles of The Bill Of Rights, and, The Declaration of Independence!
And, the Values that our Mothers, Fathers, and Teachers have Taught us!
These Religious, and, Political Leaders were Chosen by "We The People," Citizens of The Earth to Give us Hope in Dark Times!
And, Provide us with Guidance that is UN-Biased, and, in Equanimity!
Peace is Within our Reach, if these Leaders have the Heart and Soul to Make it so!
Think about it! A Just Peace that Embraces, and, Nourishes All Sentient Beings is Within our Reach!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Wherever and Whomever You May be, Make Your Voices heard!
Think about it! How much longer can We" as A People Continue to Drift in The Wind!
"We"need a Song to Sing in The Tradition of "Amazing Grace," and, "Give Peace a Chance!"
And, "We"must be The Choir that Sings it!
Let our Voices Ring out Clear and Pure, and, in Perfect harmony, "Give us Peace, Give us Hope!
Protect us from those who would do us Harm and, Destroy The Peace!
However, Act on our behalf, In The Name of Peace!"

And, Give us A Peaceful Exit Strategy that is Honorable, and, In Harmony with our Beliefs! That Shows the Proper Honor and Respect that is due to our Armed Forces, and, Their Families!
Who are, in fact, our Friends, and, Families!

This is The Way To Peace!

This Earth of ours needs a Time Out! A Pause!
A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue! Now! If "We" are to, ever, know what it means to Live in Peace!
And, Let this be a Gift of The Holidays, and, The Hope of The New Year!
And, The Beginning of A New Peace Millennium on Earth!