Monday, December 28, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. XXVI

The Ugly Display of Partisan Politics surrounding the New Health Care Reform Bill is a Disgraceful Example of Worst Kind of Back Room, Egotistical, Bully Pulpit, UN-Professional Political Behavior that I've ever seen in my adult life!
And, to think that these men and women actually think that they have the Best Interests of The American People in mind, is Appalling!
What is also Unbelievably Apprehensive is that, "They" (the Infamous "They") Represent "We The People!"
However, it is, also, an American Tragedy that, "We" Voted for these men, and, women to conduct Domestic, and, Foreign Affairs on our Behalf!
It is obvious that all "they" care about is their own "Self Interests," or, the Self Interests of The Lobbyists that "they" represent! In this case, The Insurance Industry!
What amazes me is that, "they" do not seem to Learn from Experience, that,
The American People will take just so much, before Expunging from The Government, whomever the Political Party that is in power, from being so!
And, Once again that Time has Come!

While politicians from both major parties, whether "they" be Conservatives, Liberals, Moderates, or, otherwise, continue their Bickering, Honest Hard Working Americans are UN-Employed, and, Living in Poverty!
There are Millions of the UN-Employed from Farm, Manufacturing, and Retail Industries, plus, Small Businesses, who can not meet their financial obligations!
And, Our Children go with-out! And, More and More American Citizens are living in their Cars, Tent cities, Shelters, or, on the Streets, of our Neighborhoods, and, in Parking lots!
While Schools, Hospitals, Post Offices, Mental Health Institutions, and, Fire Houses are Being closed, another prison facility is being built!
All the while the Bickering, and, Whining of our elective officials continues!
How Dare "they" Behave in such a Disreputable Manner! "They" are Being Paid to Represent us! "We" are "A Government of The People, For The People, and, By The People!" It seems to me that "they" have Forgotten this Important Point!

"We" voted for them to institute a True Accountability, Responsibility, Honesty, Transparency, and, Justice, into The World of Politics, that upholds our Countries Greatest Accomplishments, and, the Admirable Women, and, Men who have Given their Lives to uphold The Principles of Freedom, and, Democracy that our Country was Founded on, and, Stands for!

Have these Politicians No Conscious! Have "They"No Shame! Have "They" No Real Caring for their Fellow Human Being!
"They" are an Assault on All that "We" were Taught to Believe in! And, I've said this before, but, its worth saying again "Enough is Enough!"

Have"They"Forgotten that "We" are Fighting in Three UN-Declared Wars!
And, that, Young Women, and, Men are Dying everyday, Fighting to Preserve our Dignity, and, Rights, in Foreign Lands! This is not the Time for this Kind of Senseless Political Behavior!
"We" need our elective officials to Rise Above Partisan Politics!
"We" need them to Act as a Political Soul Force on the Behalf, of "We The People," Citizens of This Great Country and, this Sacred Earth!
This is Not the Time for a "Politics as Usual Behavior!"
"We" can No Longer afford to Wait for them to Grow Up!
And, "They"need to Understand this, Now!
Too many are Paying the Price for this Deficit in Political, and, Moral Character!

The Way To Peace Depends on a Co-ordinated Effort by One and All to Transcend the Negative Conditioned Realities that have Impeded us from Living in Equanimity, Equality, Financial Security, and, A Shared Prosperity, and, Freedom for One and All!
The World needs Peace! Peace Now! A Peace Millennium!

Instead of Partisan Politics, "We The People" need representatives who Believe in The Politics of Peace! And, A Peace Time Economy!
And, are Willing to Protect, Defend, and Preserve The Peace, from those who would do it Harm!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers Whomever, and, Wherever You May be,
Lets us Stand Tall, in the Face of Adversity, in The Name of Peace!
Let us Reach out to All who are True Peace Seekers, and, Take their Hands in ours, and, Let us Build an Indestructible Nexus of Peace between us!
And, May "We" build a Bridge of Peace that is Eternal, and, Everlasting!

And, Its Time "We" called upon the World Leaders of The United Nations to Call for A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue! Its Time "They Gave Peace a Chance!"