Friday, December 4, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. XX

This is One of, if not, the Most Religious and Spiritual Time Period of the Year.
Its a Time of Giving and Sharing. A Time of Believing and Caring.
Its a Time of Prayers and Meditation in a Myriad Different Languages, and Countries from all over this Planet Earth.
So, Why is there War and Conflict?
Is this The Way To Protect and Preserve The Peace?

And, Why are there Millions upon Millions of People who have been Displaced from Their Families and Homes?
Is this The Way To Provide Security for The Citizens of this Beautiful World of ours?

And, Why are there so many Citizens of this Planet Homeless?
Is this Another example of the Generosity, and, Humanity on Display by our Religious, Spiritual, and Political Leadership?

And, Why are so many Young men, and, Young women, even before they have had an opportunity to be Educated and Learn what Life is about, being asked to Sacrifice Their Lives for Patriotic Reasons?
Is this The Way Best Way "We" have to Nourish our New and Future Generations, and, Protect The Peace?

And, Why is it that our Governments continue to empower those who would Rape and Ravage Our Planet Earth for Self Profit?
Is this The Way To Show Respect for The Earth, Seas, Skies, and, Universe, that is Our Sacred Home, The Third Planet from The Sun?

And, Why is it that The Global Industries of Banking and Commerce are so Adrift with Greed, and, Corruption?
Is this The Way To Success, and, A Shared Prosperity for One and All?

And, Why are The United Nations of this Planet Earth, Insensitive to the Cries of The Defenseless who are Beset upon by Cruel and Unjust Judicial Systems, and Genocide?
Is this The Way To Compassion, and, Love for One Another?
Is this The Way To A Peace Millennium?

And, Why does The Local, Regional, National, and, International News Media Continue to Empower and Glamorize the Most Trivial News Stories imaginable while Great Travesties go UN-reported such as the Millions of Children who Live in Poverty, or, have been Kidnapped, along with Thousands of Young Women who have been Forced to Live in Slavery?
These questions and more continue to press upon my mind.
And, How is this The Way To Peace?

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Whomever, and, Wherever You May be,
Let us Reason Together, and, Stand Together in The Name of Passion, and, Peace!

Let us be a Great Soul Force in The Name of Peace!

Let us Cast Out The Negative Realities that Continue to Pummel us on a Daily Basis, and Change Them from Darkness to The Light!
Can't You Hear Mahatma Gandhi saying this to us!

And, May "We" continue to be A Nexus of Peace, and, a Bridge to An Age of Peace that is Everlasting!
And, Let us Remain Focused on Our Goals until "We" can Sing in Concert, and, In Harmony with Each other "Peace at last!"

And, If there ever was a Reason for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue, and, A New Peace Millennium, the Time for it is Now! Lets Give Peace a Chance!