Monday, November 30, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. XIX

I believe that President Obama, and, his Administration are committing a grave error by continuing to escalate the UN-Declared War in Afghanistan/Pakistan!
I sincerely believe that "They" will pay severely for their actions in the next National elections! The American People are not the Same Individuals who gave our previous President, George Bush, Carte Blanche, when it came to sending the Young Women and Men of our Armed Forces to Fight on Foreign Shores in Iraq, and, Afghanistan!
"We" have learned what the pitfalls are from experience, going all the way back to The UN-Declared Vietnamese War!
And, I believe that if The Unspoken Trust, that was placed in this young President, by "We the People, to bring our Troops Home, is Betrayed, he will, continue to, Lose the Trust, and, Faith that was placed in him, until he No longer has any Political, and, Public Influence left! Which will Cost him the Loss of The Presidency in the Next Election!
And, If the New policy in Afghanistan is to protect the people from Al-Qaeda, and, The Taliban, and, teach them how to police, protect, and, govern themselves, then, that can be done without escalating the presence of U.S. Troops there!
No one is saying that The U.S. should not help The Afghan People, but, there are at the least sixty thousand troops there already!
And, once again, No one is saying that The Way To Peace is an easy course to take, but, it is a necessary one to take, especially During this Conflictive Time Period!
And, The Citizens of This Planet Earth can no longer continue to support War Time policies, without end!
There must be a Clear and Effective Exit Strategy to the Limitless Global Conflict, and, Warfare that Plaques our Earth!
And, Its Time that "We" Seriously Gave Peace a Chance!

When I began writing this series I soon discovered that The Way To Peace was much more than just an idea, it was, and, still is, an Important Reality that is needed to Embrace, and, Balance the Surge of War, and, Conflict in our midst! And, Counter The Rage of Economic, and, Ecological Injustices, and, Inequalities, that The Earths Populace has Fallen Victim of!

Peace is The Way to Transcend the Illusions that have Conditioned, Abused, and, Misused us! And, Obscured The Truth from being Seen, and, Deluded us from Knowing what The Truth is, and, How to Deal with The Chaos that is being used to Confound, and, Confuse us!

It is Time that "We" Not only Recognize the False System that Controls us for what it is, but, it is, also, Time for us To Stand up Against The New Political, and Economical System that is being Put in Place to Convince us that a Change has Come! A Change that will provide us with the Safeguards that "We" need, to Protect us from the Corruption that Surrounds us!
Do Not be Fooled by this Vain attempt to Control us!
It is not an Altruistic Way of Life! Just more of the Same ole Rhetoric and Lies that "We" have been fed for Centuries!
Fed to us in Daily News reports, Cloaked in the Cape of Fear!
Over and over this Fear has been used to Intimidate, Threaten, Menace, and, Attack us!

Its Time that "We" took back Control of our Lives, by Demanding that The Leaders of The United Nations, and, our Local Elective Officials Represent, and, Adhere to our Wishes, and, Requests!
"We" have Bailed out Banks, Financial Institution's, Forgiven Religious Officials, Financed Wars and Conflicts, Voted and Elected Women and Men who Campaigned to Protect, and Preserve The Peace, only to Lead us down another Path To War, and, Enough is Enough!
And, If President Obama and his Administration believe that by Escalating The UN-Declared War in Afghanistan/Pakistan is the Correct course of Action to take, in Leading us To The Way of Peace, then, "They" should Give us an Opportunity To Vote, For, or, Against Sending our Sons and Daughters to Fight in yet Another War!
This is our Right Living in a Democracy! This is Why our Forefathers Wrote the Bill of Rights, and, The Declaration of Independence!
To give us the Right of Dissent, or, Assent!
Without Freedom of Choice "We" will Continue to be Manipulated by whatever Winds of Change that may be, and, who Pretend to Act in our Best Interests!
"We need to be Given The Choice/Vote to Decide for Ourselves what is in Our Own Best Interests! Especially when, and, or, if our Elective Officials Do Not Have, and, or, Show us The Courage to Do so themselves!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers Wherever, and Whomever You May Be, Its Time for Change! Its Time for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!
And, Its Time for A Peace Millennium!
And, Unconditionally, Its Time that "We" Gave Peace a Chance!