Saturday, November 7, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. XII

You would think that during these troublesome times that the Left, Right, Moderates, and Independents would get the message that "We the People" expect exemplary work from them on Our Behalf! And, that they should overcome whatever their political, and, philosophical differences may be, so, that they can produce and pass a Social Economic, and, Health Care plan that reflects our needs!
We've all heard stories about, or, experienced, having to wait for weeks at a time before being able to see a doctor, when you are ill!
Even our Veterans have to deal with unconscionable situations in regards to receiving the proper care for their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health care!
And, we have all heard stories about, or, in some way experienced the lack of health care coverage that our middle class has had to endure!
These costs are above and beyond what the average hard working American Citizen can afford to pay!

And "We" are all tired of hearing the rhetoric, and, excuses espoused by both Conservatives, and Liberals about the cost of Health care coverage!
All "We" are seriously asking for, is that our government provide us with a fair and, honest system that "We" can depend upon and, afford!
"We've" already paid much too much to a Health Care System, and, Industry, that doesn't have our best interests in mind, and, has taken unfair advantage of our Free Enterprise System!
Have "they" No Compassion! Have "they" No Heart and Soul when it comes to the Health Care of America! Or, is Profit is the only real concern "they" have!

And, the same lack of honest concern applies to our politicians who've empowered the Health Care Industry to abuse hard working American Citizens over and over again! And, this has been going on for decades!
And now, these same politicians dare to tell their constituents that costs are too high to implement a Public Health care option, or, a Universal Health care approach to provide complete, and, total coverage for each, and, every citizen!
If "they" can provide billions of dollars, every month, to fight in a war on foreign soil to protect us, then, why can't "they" provide billions of dollars to protect our health and well being at home! There is an inconsistency to "their" philosophical and, political doctrine!

Its Time for a New Political, and, Spiritual Leadership to Come Forth in the U.S. One that understands what The Principles, and, Social Needs of "We The People!" "We" can not continue to be mislead by an Oligarchic, Capitalistic System!
"We" can not continue to be mislead by the same ole game of Politics as Usual Mentality!
"We the People" need Leadership that believes in The Moral Ethics of Peace!
And, The Sacrosanct Principles, and, Social Values of what "We" Believe in, and, Taught to us by our Fore Mothers, and Fore Fathers!

The Way To Peace lies in the Unanimous Acclamation of Peace!
Not in a halfhearted one!

The Way To Peace lies in the Leaders of The United Nations proclaiming a Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue! What a Gift to The World it would be if "they" Proclaimed A Global Truce to begin during the December Holidays, and then, extending it into The New Year! What a Gift of Life this would be!

Yes, The Way To Peace may be a long road to travel, but, its worth every step of The Way!
And,"We the People" have to Commit, and, Dedicate our lives to Protection and Preservation of it with All Our Hearts, Minds, and, Souls!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers whomever, and, wherever you may be,
Let us be a Soul Force for Peace!
Let us Think, Speak, Walk, and, Sit in, if Needed, in The Name of Peace!
Let us Sing in Harmony as One Voice in The Name of Peace!
And, Let us be a Bridge of Peace Reaching out and, Connecting to each and every part of this Planet Earth!
It is Time for a New Peace Initiative to Embrace The Earth in its Arms, and, Hold it Fast to its Heart, and Soul!
Let us One and All be a Soul Nexus of Peace, and, The Peace Millennium!
Its Time "We" Gave Peace a Chance!