Monday, November 9, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. XIII

I would like to extend my congratulations to CBS 60 Minutes Andy Rooney for putting forth a suggestion that the U.S. institute a "No War Day" Holiday!
We need more journalists, and, news commentators to bring to the attention of World Leaders that it is Time for them to take a new approach to solving the conflicts, and, problems of this Planet Earth!
Peace Time Solutions, and, Peace Time Initiatives are needed to change the overall perspective of what is expected from our World Leaders! Which is why we have suggested that The United Nations, and, All of The Leaders of the Western Industrialized Nations proclaim A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue to begin during the November/December Holiday Season, and, extend it into The New Year! It is definitely time for A Peace Millennium Perspective! And, it is definitely Time to Give Peace a Chance!

The Leaders of The United Nations, and, The Western Industrialized Nations have continuously asked their combined Armed Forces to fight for the Cause of Righteousness, and, Peace. But, without a Purposeful meaning (with the exclusion of WW II), a meaning that connects with the emotions, and, beliefs of the Citizens of The Earth, the Reasons for War have become Tarnished, and, Lack the Force of its Convictions!
By Declaring a Peace Millennium, and, The Establishment of an Age of Peace and Harmony on Earth, one that transcends borders, and, encompasses The Whole Earth, a Clear Message will be sent to each and every Citizen of this Planet Earth that can be understood without confusion. Confusion that is often brought upon by false ideologies, or, religious persuasions!
Peace is a Word that everyone knows, understands, and, seeks within their hearts, minds, and, souls!
It may be the peacefulness that one gets from going fishing, or, gardening. Or, a relaxing day at the beach! Increase this perspective to include a World at Peace with itself!
Can you imagine Living in an Age of Peace!
A Peace Millennium!

An Enlightened Peace Perspective would also bring about a New Respect for The Members of our Armed Forces for Protecting The Citizens of The World, and, Preserving The Peace. These Men and Women who over, and, over again have been placed in Harms way would be looked upon, as they should be, as Heroines, and, Heroes!
And, there would be No Confusion as to why they have been called upon to Act!
They would have been called to Action in The Name of Peace! Bringing Honor to Their Families, Countries, and, The World!

A Peace Millennium changes the the whole political, and, philosophical spectrum of global priorities. It eliminates the conflict caused by self interests that are not in the best interests of The Earths populace!
And, A Peace Time Economy would bring Global Rewards to The Earths Nations!
It would eliminate temptation and greed by putting in place a Global Financial System that believes in Fair Play!
And regulate and establish a Fair Playing field for Global Competition! Based on Hard Work, and, Global Co-operation!

A New Peace Time Business Model, built around a Peace Millennium Economy, would provide for The Social Security of The World!
And, it would benefit No One, No Financial Institution, Corporation, or, Nation to break the rules, and, regulations set in place to Protect the Welfare of our Families!

And, A Peace Millennium Perspective would encourage co-operation between The Earths Nations!
And, solidify The Nexus between The Citizens of The World!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers whomever, and, wherever you may be,
Let us set our goals on making a Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue a Reality.
Its Time That "We"Gave Peace a Chance!