Monday, November 2, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. XI

The amount of poverty in the U.S is appalling, and, in my humble opinion, unnecessary! The United States spends trillions upon trillions of dollars for defense, war, and, bailing out banks and financial institutions, and yet, this great country of ours can not afford to provide the financing needed for the health care, and, welfare of its own citizens, "We the People!"
This is not The Way To Peace!

Our country spends trillions upon trillions of dollars on foreign policy, and, foreign aid, and yet, the government can not provide for the the proper care of our environment and ecology!
This to, is not The Way To Peace!

Please understand that I am not saying that the United States should not be concerned about the state of world affairs, because, as one of the leaders of the Western Industrialized Countries, and, United Nations of this Planet Earth, it is the responsibility of the U.S. to share in the defense, and overall welfare of each and every Citizen of this the Third Planet from The Sun!
"We" would be derelict of our duty as the leader of the Free World, if "We" did not!
Having written this, I must also say, that it would also be derelict of our duty to the Citizens of the United States if the U.S. Government, and, President Obama did not do more than what they have done to eradicate poverty, for once and all, from our shores!

The U.S. is too rich a nation for there to be two million children living in poverty on our shores! One child living in poverty is too much!
The U.S. has to focus on its internal problems, and, find the proper solutions for them! Solutions that empowers its citizens!
And, if it truly would like the world to follow and believe in its democratic values, then our government has to show the world that it truly cares for the welfare of the less fortunate, who are suffering in our country!
This is The Way To Peace, and, the establishment of A True Peace Millennium!

Solutions have to be found to eradicate poverty and homelessness!
Provide a universal health care program that covers each and everyone in the U.S.
Solutions that eliminate fear, and, negativity that emanates from being unemployed!
Solutions that provide a free, and, enlightened educational system for all of our children!
And, by showing that the principles of our Declaration of Independence, and, Bill Of Rights excludes no person, irregardless of race, creed, or nationality!
This is The Way To Peace! Its by demonstrating through our actions that, "We" believe that the defense of our nation, goes beyond the might of our Armed Forces!
It also lies in the belief that no woman, man, or, child should go without, or, live in fear that his or her life is less meaningful than another!
And that, the idea of defense, lies in the protection of our most important asset "We the People,"and, all of the Citizens of the World!

This is why I feel that it so important that the World Leaders of this the Third Planet from The Sun call for A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue to begin as early as the coming winter holidays!
Its Time "We" Gave Peace a Chance!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers whomever, and, wherever you may be, do not hesitate, procrastinate, or, wait for a sign of the times! It is already upon us!
Its shining brightly in the eventide sky, and, illuminating the Earth in the dawn of a new earthrise! Its Peace!

Speak out, Demonstrate, and, non-violently march to the beat, of the rhythm of peace!
And, let our voices sing out as one Great Soul Force, Give Peace a Chance!