Friday, November 27, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. XVIII

He walks on The Stage, the Consummate Politician! His people know that to announce to the Nation that The President will be authorizing the Increase of Thirty-Thousand additional Armed Forces of The U.S. to be sent to Afghanistan during the week of Thanksgiving would be Bad Timing, as well as Cause the Further Loss of whatever Political, and, Public support The President has!
So, "They" (the Infamous "They" who are The Best of The Best) will counsel waiting until after Thanksgiving, although there are the proper leaks to be released to lessen whatever Political, and Public Liability this News will have, before making the announcement!
But, "We" have to believe that The President knows what he is doing, after all, he is the Consummate Politician who brought down The Clinton Machine during the last Presidential primaries, and, Organized The Independents, The Liberals, Moderate Democrats, and, the Anti-War Factions to back him!
So, Escalating the War in Afghanistan/Pakistan Must Be the Most Logical thing to do, on the Political and International List of must things to do, Right?
And, of course, it makes Sense to Wait until after Thanksgiving before making the announcement, because, The President has to get a New Health Care Reform Bill passed against an immovable non-caring Republican party, and, his own party of Timid Democrats!
And then, after that, he has to get ready for the next Presidential Campaign, assuming that The Democrats re-nominate him! So, timing is very important, isn't it!
But, why did I descibe The Democrats as being Timid? Because, They are reluctant to stand strong against a Politics as Usual mentality! And, this is a Time when "We the People" of These United States of America need Honesty, Transparency, Sincerity, Accountability, and Action on our Behalf!
And, "We" need these elective officials, who "We" voted for, to Change our Negatives into Positives!
And, We" need them to Help us Survive an Economy that Shows No Mercy for The Middle Class, Small Business, or, The Poor!
An Economy that has been Corrupted by the Banks, Wall Street, and, a Financial System that has been Manipulated by a Capitalistic Oligarchy!
Whose greed is insatiable, and, whose Concern for "We the People" is Nul, as The French would say, which is Zero!

However, Enough of the subtleties! The Consequences are Too Severe to Imagine!
The Escalation of Vietnam, oh excuse me, I mean the Afghanistan/Pakistan War, is Too much to Imagine!
Besides Billions of Dollars spent during a Time Period when "We the People" need help,economically, at Home, Even more Importantly, Thousands of Women and Men, of The U.S. Armed Forces, who are our Daughters and Sons will Lose Their Lives, or Come Home Wounded, or, Disabled!
So, What are our Priorities?

It certainly doesn't seem to be the Continued Unemployment, which is Beyond Comprehension!
Tens of Millions of Americans are Existing without the Proper means to Support themselves!
And, the Loss of Faith in our elective officials of this Great Nation, is in Droves!
Seriously, does anyone really have Trust in a Politician anymore?
I am Amazed in the Lack of Hope or Belief that a Change will Come that Will be of Aid to the Hard Working Citizen!
And, Without a Doubt this is The Time that a Change Must Come!

A Change that Provides Employment, and, Health Care for Everyone! Plus, Free Education, and, a Feeling of Hope, that One and All can Embrace and Believe in!
And, It Must Come Now!
A Peace Change! A Peace Time Economy! A Peace Millennium!

It Must Come , like a Great Soul Force!
Like a Great Earthrise of Global Enlightenment and Spirit, Forging Together an Unbreakable Nexus Between The Citizens of This World!
It Must Come Now!

Like A Great Global Movement of Consciousness that Can Not be Deterred from The Attainment of its Goals of Peace on Earth, and, A Shared Prosperity that Benefits One and All!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Whomever and Wherever You May be, "We" Can Not Afford to Wait for a Miracle to Happen!
"We" need to be The Miracle!

Do Not Hesitate, or, Procrastinate! Its Time to Reach out to All who will listen!
Encourage them to Take a Stand against the Hypocrisy, Rhetoric, and, Outright Lies that have Conditioned us!
It is Time "We" Broke through The Walls of Falsehoods that have Mislead us, and, Abused us, over and over again!
Its Time to Non-Violently Cast out those who Refuse to See the Plight of Millions of Children who are Living in Poverty!
Those Individuals and Corporations who Lack in Sympathy, Lack in Compassion, and, Lack in Caring for Their Fellow Human being! Or, in fact, Lack in Caring for All Sentient beings, or, this Planet Earth!
A Change Must Come! A Peace Change! Now!

Let us Stand Together in The Name of Peace as those who have come before us, have Done, in The Past!
"We Do Not need a Consummate Politician, or, Intellectual to Guide us!
"We" need Women and Men who Believe in a Hands on Approach, and, who are Actively Working inside our Neighborhoods, Cities, and States! Finding Solutions to our Problems, and, who Believe in Taking Immediate Action!
"We Do Not need another Committee to Analyze the Situation! Whatever it may be!
Non-Violent Action in The Name of Peace is what "We" are in Need of!
Therein Lies The Way To Peace! A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue! And, An End to Poverty! And, The Beginning of A New Peace Millennium!