Monday, November 16, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. XV

Having Peace of Mind is having a Healing Source, and, Presence of The Light within you!

It is the Feeling that one has when there is nothing to worry about, or, fear!

It is the Peace of Mind that comes from being paid for a good days work!

It is the Peace of Mind one feels from knowing that you will be rewarded for a lifetime of dedicated performance in whatever form of employment you have chosen!

It is the Contentment that one gets from seeing her, or, his family, sharing and enjoying a nourishing meal together!

It is the Importance of knowing that your children, and, grandchildren are safe, and, guaranteed good, and readily accessible health care!

It is the Peace and Tranquility one gets from enjoying a picnic, or, a day at the beach with your family and friends!

It is the Peacefulness that you feel from hearing a beautiful melody being played by a philharmonic orchestra in the park, or, being sung by a choir of soulful voices!

It is the Simple pleasure and enjoyment in going out to have dinner with your love ones, and, or, good friends at local restaurant that is known for providing good service, and, a tasty menu!

Its the Knowing that you can trust your local, state, and, federal government representatives!

Its the Trust you have in your local priest, rabbi, or mullah, in your neighborhood.
Or the spiritual and religious leaders who are responsible for the moral and soulful values in your life!

Its the Trust you have in your neighborhood doctor, hospital, and insurance company, knowing that they honestly care about your health care!

Its the Confidence that you have in your federal, state, and, local legislatures, knowing that they are not abusing the tax codes of your personal, business, or, retail taxes!

Its Believing in, and, Trusting in, a Global Consciousness that has prioritized A World Living in Peace with itself, as its main agenda!

Its A Global Leadership that has Committed itself, To Serve,To Protect, and, To Preserve Peace against any threat of violence, or, action taken against it, by military force, if need be! Although, preferably by diplomatic negotiation!

Its Knowing that, No life will be taken for granted, no matter what race, creed, or, nationality you may be!

The Way of Peace shows Respect for the Life of All Sentient, and, Inanimate Beings of this The Third Planet from The Sun!
Knowing that its Earth, Oceans, Seas, Skies, and, Universe will not be polluted, or, ravaged!
The Way of Peace is knowing that The Earths scientists, and, Global industries are constantly searching for new solutions to whatever Global Problems may arise from the Growth of International Commerce, and, Industry Worldwide!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers Whomever, and, Wherever you may be, Peace is A Way of Life that "We"can not afford, not to have in our lives!

Let us continue to be a Great Soul Force for Peace! A Peace Everlasting!
And, A Peace Eternal!

Let us strive without cessation until "We" have achieved our Goals of Living in Peace on Earth! And, the attainment of our place in Time as A Peace Millennium!

Do not Hesitate to contact your friends and families, and, spread the word that its Time for The World Leaders of The United Nations to Give Peace a Chance!

Contact whatever global, and, or, local news media you may know, and, demand that they give coverage to the Proclamation of A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue, to begin During the End of the Year Holiday Season, and, Continue on into The New Year!

Its Time for All Women, and, Men of Universal Consciousness to Step Forth, and, Stand Firmly in The Name of Peace!