Monday, November 23, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. XVII

As another Thanksgiving approaches I realize how grateful I am for the good friends that I have, and, all the benefits, that I have accrued due to living in a modern day society.
And, I am very fortunate to have family to call, and, visit with over the coming holiday season!
What would make for A Perfect Season of Joy, would be if the World Leaders of The United Nations called for A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue!
What would make it A Perfect Season of Joy would be if the World Leaders of The United Nations called for this Momentous Occasion to begin in December, and, on into The New Year!

And, what would make it a Wonderful Season of Joy would be if President Obama called for a Cessation of the Escalation of War in Afghanistan, and, a New Initiative of Peace to help rebuild the Afghan Social Structure into a Culturally Evolved Nation, that Did Not Depend on Poppy Seeds to Sow the Economy of their Land!
And, what a Deeply Wonderful, and, Soulful Gift it would be, if The President called for an Immediate Withdrawal of the Armed Forces of The U.S. from Iraq, and, Afghanistan as a Symbolic Demonstration of our Commitment To The Establishment of Peace on Earth, that is Everlasting!
It does not have to be a Total Withdrawal, but, Definitely, A Symbolic One that "We" can All find Hope in!
Understand that, The U.S. has Troops Stationed in Europe, without there having to be a War, so, this is Not a Far Fetched Idea, on my part!
The World Nations can still be Peacemakers, while Maintaining an Armed Presence in Hot Spots, wherever they may be, if Peace is Threatened!
But, their Global Priorities will be To Preserve, and, To Protect The Peace!
That simple Change in Perspective, Gives Hope to A Peace Millennium!
A Peace Millennium that The Global Populace can Enjoy, and Share with One Another, Now!
An Age of Peace that our Future Generations can Rejoice in!
That our Children can take Pride in, knowing that their Parents have Stood Strong in The Face of Aggression, and, Actively Worked to the Attainment of A World at Peace with itself, and, The Universe!

And, There is No Reason why, The State Departments, and, Defense Departments of The United Nations can not Work Together to Establish Guidelines for a Global Peace Economy, and, Peace Millennium!
With the Exception that Their Priorities would be to Uphold The Universal Principles, and, Ideals of A World Peace!
Irregardless of what Race, Nation, or, Creed You may be!
The Survival, and, Evolution of The Earth, and, its Citizens would be The Main Concerns, of these Civilian and Military Leaders!
There in lies The Way To A Peace Millennium!

The Way To Peace would give Religious, and, Spiritual Leaders an Opportunity to Show that, by Their Actions, that they have Risen Beyond the Corporeal Limitations that have Impeded them, and, Caused declines in Belief, in their Way of Life.
It would Unite these Leaders in a Common Cause, and, Universal Goal, that is both, Transcendental, and, Universal in Nature, Peace on Earth!

Peacemakers and Voices of Reason, Wherever, and, Whomever You may be, Let us All Give Thanks that there are Hundreds of Millions of Interdependent Citizens of This Planet who Believe in Giving Peace a Chance!
And, Who believe in Calling for A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue!
And, A Peace Millennium!

And, Let us Never Forget that it is our Responsibility to Continue to Re-enforce and Maintain The Bridge of Peace!
And, The Global Nexus, of Peace, that has Joined us Together!

And, Let us Continue to Spread the Word to our Family and Friends that it is Time "We" Gave Peace a Chance!

And, Don't Hesitate to Contact whatever Global, and, or, Local News Sources You May have to Push Forth the Idea of A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!
Its Time for A Peace Millennium!