Thursday, November 19, 2009



The Way To Peace Pt. XVI

As World Leaders meet to Discuss new Nuclear Arms Treaties, Another Tear Falls, as yet another One of our Children has Died in Vain, in Wars fought on Foreign Shores!

As World Leaders meet to Discuss The Global Economy, Another Tear Falls for a Family who have Lost their Child at Birth, due to The Financial Stress, and, Pressure of not Being able to Carry the Weight of Being Parents!

As World Leaders meet to Discuss Strategic Relationships, Another Tear Falls for a Family that has Lost their Home due to a Lack of Compassion, and Understanding by Their own Government!

As The U.S. Congress, continues to Debate over a new Health Care Reform Bill, Another Tear Falls for a Dear Friend who Can not Afford to Pay for The Cancer Treatment that they so Desperately Need!

As our World Leaders meet to Discuss how to combat Global Terrorism, Another Tear Falls for Our Veterans who are still experiencing PTSD, Endless Hours of Rehabilitation, and, Feeling as if They are not being Treated Respectfully by Their own Government!

As Wall St. and Bank Profits continue to Grow, and, their CEO's receive Bonuses that Dwarf the imagination, Another Tear Falls, as Unemployment Figures continue to be in The Millions!

As World Leaders meet to Discuss The Issues of Climate Change and The Ecological Balance of The Earth, Another Tear Falls, as yet another Life Form of Nature is Threatened with Extinction!

As World Leaders meet to Discuss Emerging New Markets, Another Tear Falls, as Divisiveness continues to Eat away at The Social Heart and Soul of our Global Societies!

As World Leaders meet in a Show of Unity, Another Tear Falls, as yet another Mass Killing takes Place in our Schools, and, on our College Campuses!

Tell me, Is this The Way To Peace! Is this The Way To A Peace Millennium!

As Science and Technology continues to Evolve, Another Tear Falls, as The Human State of Reality continues to be Controlled, and, Conditioned by a Rigid Set of Structural Mores, and, Economic Patterns!

Tell me, Is this The Way To Peace!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Whomever, and, Wherever You may be, Do not let your anger and frustration get the better of you!
Let us Unite Together as A Great Soul Force in The Name of Peace!

Lets Stand Together and Sing the Choruses of Give Peace a Chance!

Lets March Together in The Name of Peace!

Lets Talk Peace, and, Build a Nexus of Peace, amongst Peace Loving Interdependent Citizens of This Earth!

Let us Empower Each other, Embrace Each other, and, Build a Bridge of Peace that Can not be Destroyed by Greed, Lust for Power, Egoistic Fantasies, or, by the Global Design of A Capitalistic Anarchy!

Its Time "We"Called upon The Leaders of The United Nations to Declare A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue that has The Best Interests of The Citizens of This Planet Earth in Mind!
And what Better Time for it than the Up and Coming Holidays, it would be a Magnanimous Gesture of Peace To The World! And, the Ushering in of A True Peace Millennium!

And so, I call upon The U.S., China, The UK, Russia, Germany, France, Italy, and the Vatican, to Step forward and Lead The World to an Everlasting Peace on Earth, and, Give Peace a Chance!

Yes, there is always a Risk, there are those who will threaten whatever Peace Process is Put in Place, However, Its Time for A Peace Millennium! Can't You Feel it within your Heart, and, Deep within Your Soul!
The Time has Come for Peace At last!