Friday, November 13, 2009



The Way To Peace Pt. XIV

There are some things that you feel, and, know to be absolutely the truth.
Without a doubt, and, absolutely without question. And, that is why, it is so essential that this World of ours, should, exist in Peace!
And, its absolutely Time for A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue take place immediately!
And, its Time for The Peace Millennium to begin, here and now, on this Planet Earth!

For much too long this World of ours has lived under the threat of one war or another. Wars caused by the lust for power, greed, gold, oil, nuclear power, religion, and, on and on the list of reasons go.
Is it too much to ask The Leaders of The United Nations to proclaim an End to War, and, proclaim A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue to begin for The Salvation of The Citizens of this Beautiful Planet, and, For All Sentient Beings!

The People of this Planet are not naive as to what the myriad difficulties would be, however, its Time that they had a reason to believe! A reason to live for! A reason to believe that their children will be able to grow up and enjoy their lives, and, have a real opportunity to reach for, and, achieve their dreams, without the constant threat of aggression, corruption, insincerity, manipulation, and lies!
The People of this Planet Earth are not Naive to the myriad possibilities, that there will always be someone who will want to destroy The Peace, or, use it for their benefit, solely!
However, to be able to believe that your Leaders genuinely care about your concerns, and, those whom you love, would be a gift beyond description!
But, if I may simply put it, it would be what true Leadership should be, and, this can be attained in A World at Peace with itself! And, with Global Leaders who understand the responsibility they have to Preserve and Protect The Peace, and, The Citizens of The Earth!
And yes, it will take a coordinated effort, and, endless rounds of discussion amongst The World Leaders, however, it is a Just, and, Reasonable thing to do, in The Name of Peace.
And, it is The Right thing to do in the Name of The Citizens of this Earth!

Everyone can tell if a thing is not worth doing, however, in my heart of hearts, I know that Peace must Come, Now!

We must Think of it, Speak of it, Believe in it, Dream of it, and, Make it a Reality!
Our present, and future generations depend on us to Change the Way "We" do business, and, Change the Way "We" think!
Its Time that "We" became a Great Soul Force for Peace.
Its Time for A Peace Millennium! And, its Time "We" truly gave Peace a Chance!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers whomever, and, wherever you may be, reach out to all who will truly listen, and, ask them to spread the word, and, "Peace," is that Word!
And, Let us speak passionately of this word, Peace.
Let us deny no one of its majesty, and, beauty.
Let it resonate althrough-out this world of ours like a great symphony, touching each and every heart, mind, and, soul.
And, Let us sing out, Give Peace a Chance!

The need for A Global Truce, and, Peace Dialogue can not, and, should not be denied us, it is the Hope that will bring us Freedom, to Live in Peace!