Friday, October 30, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. X

As the Autumn Season displays its beauty in all its splendor another 55 new deaths occured in The Afghan War, this week! Is this The Way To Peace?
Is this the direction that "We the People", and, the Citizens of this Earth want to continue moving towards for the next 10 years, because "We" are all fully aware that this war does not have an immediate end strategy in sight!
Is this the main priority that "We" want in our lives, at this moment in time?
And, again, I ask you Is this The Way To Peace?

And, once again, it does not mean that the Citizens of the World are not willing to defend their rights of freedom, because they are, and, have been doing so for century after century, for as long as there have been threats to Global Peace, or, the rights of the less fortunate!
And, most definitely, there are enough strategic relationships amongst the Global Defense Departments to conduct Peace Interventions when obstructionists, or, dictators threaten the lives of our Global Neighbors!
Its simply that "We" have had enough of war time policies, and, war time economies, to last us another millennium, en plus!
And, this state of consciousness must change if "we" are to finally Live in Peace!
For A Peace Change to come!

A Global Truce would provide World Leaders with an opportunity to engage one another in Peace Dialogues and take the time needed to discuss, and, come to an understanding, how to proceed towards implementing immediate Peace Incentives, and, set new priorities that are needed to nourish and heal the wounds of war, that have been inflicted on the minds, bodies, and souls of the world populace!
Too many of our sons and daughters have lost their lives!
And, too many parents have shed their Tears of Love in vain, over the death of their children, for causes/reasons that have yet to be fully explained to us!

And, yes there are always consequences to our actions, however, if "we" cease to act, in The Name of Peace, then Peace will never come!
And, if there ever was a time to act in The Name of Peace, that Time is Now!

But, The Peace "we" seek must be a Peace that the whole world can believe in!
And, Barriers of Peace must be overcome!

And, if a rogue nation, or, peace antagonist threatens to disturb The Peace, once again may I repeat, that a Peace Intervention should be immediately implemented and acted upon to Preserve, and Protect The Peace!
And, these acts would be looked upon by all The People of The Earth as Heroic Acts, by the Global Armed Forces!
And, this would be a strong part of The Peace Change in the Global Mentality of our World Leadership! To protect and preserve The Peace would be their main priority! And, to care for those in need, who are less fortunate, would be another!

Its Time for a return of wonder and happiness in our lives, to supplant the negative conditioning and stagnation that has impeded human evolution!

Its Time "We" re-discovered the miracle and love embodied in each and every child birth, without living in fear of what lies ahead of us, tomorrow!
To do this "We" must Give Peace a Chance!
Yes, Peace without fear!
Peace without boundaries!
Peace with moral and ethical values that are in parallel with solar axioms!
Solar Axioms that can not be denied! This is The Peace and Universal Truth "We" need in our lives!
A Clear and Transparent Peace, that when viewed closely is still illuminating and inspiring!
An Unyielding Peace, and yet, flexible enough to embrace all the diversities of this Planet Earth!
An Ever flowing Peace that can fill the ocean of hearts, minds, and souls of "We the People"and Citizens of the World with love and hope!
Washing away the exigencies that have drained us and left us bereft of happiness and motivation!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers whomever and wherever you may be, let us be Assets of Peace! Poets of Peace! Philosophers of Peace! And yet Realists that The Way To Peace will not be an easy path to take!
Peace will be challenged at every intersection!
Peace will be challenged everyday, once its existence has been fully fully achieved!
However, "We" must encourage The World Leaders to Give Peace a Chance!

Its Time they made Peace Time Policies that will enrich and enhance the Evolution of The New Peace Millennium!
And, what better time to do this than the coming end of the year holiday season!
It would be a Holiday of Peace, A Season of Love, Hope, and New Beginnings!
And, A Gift of Life to the many who would have died in The Afghan/Pakistan War!

A Global Truce, coupled with an exchange of Global Peace Dialogues through-out The World would be the first step in making up for centuries of war!
And, A Time to finally "Give Peace a Chance!"