Tuesday, October 13, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. V

I would like to Congratulate President Obama on Being Given The Nobel Peace Prize! What an Extraordinary Accomplishment for His First Term as President of The United States, or, as a Matter of Fact, for any Individual!
When I Heard the Announcement I thought to myself, "that Maybe, This would Encourage The President to Cease the Escalation of War In Afghanistan and Pakistan!
And, Maybe he would do Something UN-Paralleled, and UN-Precedented In The World Of Politics, or, in Fact, By An Active President of The United States, Call For A Global Truce Amongst All Warring Factions!"

It Would be A Time of Reflection and Discourse! A Time of Contemplation and Communication and New Peace Initiatives!
For the Sake of Today's Civilization and The Worlds Future Generations!
So, Once again, I ask, Why Not Give Peace A Chance?

Of Course, "We" are All Aware that there are Individuals and Factions who would Do Their Worst to Take Advantage of A Global Truce, However, The World Nations have The Combined Resources to Stop these Individuals, and, or Factions, before "They" (once again The Infamous "They") have an Opportunity To Interfere with What would be an Extraordinary Event in The Earths Time Space Reality! Peace On Earth!
And, What a Magnanimous and Universally Symbolic Gesture it Would be for President Obama to Use His New Found Position as A Nobel Peace Prize Recipient, to Call Upon Every Nation of This Planet Earth to Join The U.S. in this Proclamation Calling For A Global Truce, and An End of War!
Again, Why Not?

It doesn't mean that The Pentagon, or, The Department of Defense of Each and Every World nation has to Stop Defending, or Protecting Its Citizens, or The Citizens of The Earth, from Individuals, or Aggressive Factions that Would like to Disturb The Peace. It would simply Mean that The World would be Living in A Peace Time Economy, and Age of Cultural, Scientific, Technological, Philosophical, Spiritual, and Political Evolution and Synergy, Without War as Civilizations Driving Force! The Earths Population would Become a Universal Soul Force of Peace!

So, I ask, Once Again, (As John & Yoko and a Few Other Good Souls Sang) Why Not, Give Peace A Chance!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers Wherever You May be, and Whomever You May be, Let Us, One and All, Call Forth To All of The World Leaders and Invite Them to Join Together, In The Name Of Peace, and Declare A Global Truce!
Let Us Request that They Convene The United Nations Security Council and Officially Announce that December 1st, 2009, or 2010 be The Beginning of The Age Of Peace! The Peace Millennium!
Once again, I ask, Why Not Give Peace A Chance!