Thursday, October 1, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. II

The Way to Peace does not Lie in The Path of War!

The Way to Peace does not Lie in Partisan Politics, or, Party Loyalty!

The Way to Peace does not Lie in Praising Democratic Values, at The Expense of Another!

The Way to Peace does not Lie in a Capitalistic Economy being Touted Over a Global One!

The Way to Peace does not Lie in Any One Group, or, Cast of People, Living in Poverty!

The Way to Peace does not Lie in The Daily Journals, Newspapers, Cable, Network, or, Satellite News Media continuously Spinning, and, Re-Cycling Negative Stories, and, Headlines about Crime, and, Acts of Violence Over and Over again!

The Way to a Peaceful Co-Existence amongst All Sentient Beings Lies in Being Respectful, and Concerned for The Welfare of One and All!
"We" are All Natives of This Earth! And, Brothers and Sisters of This, The Third Planet from The Sun!
"We" are All Apart of a Great Universe filled with Limitless Possibilities!

Its Time that "We" All Came to An Understanding of Who "We" are!
And,That Peace is The Instrument that Will Bring Harmony, Equanimity, and, Equality to The New Millennium, and, Throughout All Eternity!
"We" have, but, to Desire it, With All Our Hearts, Minds, and, Souls!
And, Non-Violently March to The Beat of its Drummer!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Whomever, and, Wherever You May Be, Continue to Speak Out in the Name of Peace, and, A Shared Prosperity, and, Health Care for One and All!
Let us Be A Great Soul Force for Life, and, The Light!