Monday, September 28, 2009



The Way To Peace!

The Way to Peace is a Long Journey!

The Way to Self Realization is a Long Path to Take!

The Way to a World Economy that Benefits One and All is a Philosophy Worth Pursuing, However Difficult it May Be to Achieve!

The Way to a Spiritually Enlightened Universal State of Being for One and All to Share has Great Impediments in it's Way, However, to Exist in a Conditioned Way of Life is Not Acceptable!

The Way to Eliminating Poverty, and Injustice, War, Global Crime, and Pollution is a Near Impossible Task!
But, No Matter how Difficult The Path May Be, The Way Forward Towards Achieving these Goals, is Worth the Total Effort, and Sacrifice!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Whomever, and, Wherever You May be, Let us Be of One Voice, and Make Our Voices Heard above the Din of Hypocrisy, Corruption, Greed, Manipulation, and Lust for Power!

Continue to Speak Out and Demonstrate Non-Violently as Did Martin Luther King, and Mahatma Gandhi, and, So many other Women and Men, who Believed in Equanimity and a World of Social Justice that Embraced All Sentient, and Inanimate Beings!