Tuesday, September 8, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

How Much Is Too Much!

At what Point do "We" say Enough is Enough! "We are told that the Recession is Over! Well, Tell that to a Family of Americans Living in A Tent City, because, They've Lost Their Home due to the Mortgage Crises!

Tell that to the Millions of Americans who are out of Work, and, Can Not Find any Employment!

Tell that to the Two (2) Million Children Living in Poverty in the U.S. of A.

Tell that to the Retiree's who are Trying to Make ends Meet, after They've Spent their Whole Lives Working, Paying Taxes, and, Looking Forward to the Day when They could Enjoy Their Lives, in Retirement!

Tell that to the School Teachers, The Fire Men and Women, Postal Employee's, and Police Department, who've All had to Endure Cut Backs, while trying to Serve the Public!

And, "We the People" are, Continuously, asked Over and Over Again to Endure Governmental, and, Financial Corruption!

"We" are asked to Send our Children to Fight in Undeclared Wars, on Foreign Soil, with Reasons that have been Falsely Based, and, Manipulated to Support Political Agendas that are Not in Our Common Interest!

And, so, I ask You, when is Enough going to Be Enough! How Much Blood has to Be Spilt before "We the People" are Given the Respect, and, Honesty that our Forefathers, and Foremothers Gave their Lives to Protect, and, Build our Future on!

How Much More are "We" to Endure!

Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers, Whomever, and, Wherever You May Be, Continue to Demonstrate, Debate, and, Speak out in the Name of Peace, Harmony, and, A Shared Prosperity that is Beneficial to One and All!
Let us Continue to Build of Bridge of Peace to One Another, that Can Not be Destroyed!
Let us Continue to Be a Non-Violent Soul Force, that Can Not Be Denied!