Friday, September 11, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Another Twelve Deaths In the Iraq/ Afghanistan Wars!

If there ever was a Time for Voices of Reason to Step Forward, and, Voice their Opinions, Now is that Time!

Has any one in the U.S. Congress, or, in the Obama Administration, Sincerely, Assessed the Death, and, Destruction that Lies ahead for the U.S., and, Our Allies in the New Escalation of War in Afghanistan, and, Pakistan!
The Ill Managed War in Iraq was one thing, But, to Do it All Over again in Afghanistan, is, Just Too Much to Imagine!
Doesn't any one remember the Fiasco that Took Place in Vietnam!
And, how Divided the U.S. was Over it!
Do"We the People" need more Division in our Lives?
Isn't the Partisan Politics that is on Display in Washington, and, althrough-out the U.S. Enough!
Isn't it More than Obvious that the Time has Come for a New Re-Assessment in the Direction that Our, (so called) Democracy is Headed in!
And, How is it Possible that Our Elective Officials Can Miss the Negative Effect that Un-employment is Having on Their Constituencies, and, the U.S.Economy!
How can "They" (once again the Infamous They) Miss what is so Obvious, which is The Lack of Faith that "We" have in their Abilities to Represent, and, Guide us, in Ways that are Beneficial to Our Way of Life!

Our Elective Officials Spend Billions, if Not, Trillions of Dollars on War, which Causes the Deaths of Our Children, and, Yet They are Unwilling to Invest in our Health care, that Can Be a Life Saving Gift to All of Us!

What Kind of Rationale is this? What is their Agenda?
When will They begin to Represent "We the People" of The United States of America?
Or, Is it their Intention to Continue Perpetuating Divisive Policies that,Only, Benefit their Own Self Interests, and,
The Lobbyists, who are Backing them, and, Contributing Large Sums of Money to Finance Their Campaigns!

Why isn't it Obvious to them that, This is Not the Time for Selfishness, and Greed! This is Not the Time for Partisan Politics!
This is the Time for Us to Come Together as One People of this The Third Planet from The Sun!

"We" All Share a Sacred Partnership under The Moon and The Sun!
"We" All Share a Sacred Partnership as Citizens of This Planet, And, The Universe that "We" are apart of!

It is Time for a Universal Consciousness to Re-Place the Divisive One that has Caused Distrust, Hate, Poverty, Disease, The Pollution of This Earth, and, An Abuse of All that "We" Hold Sacred, Our Children!

Time is Definitely of The Essence!
Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers Wherever, and, Whomever, You May Be, Continue to Peacefully, and Non-Violently Demonstrate, Debate, and, Reach-Out to Kindred Spirits, and Soul mates.
Lets Continue to Build a Soul Force of The Light that Illuminates Each and Every One of Us!