Monday, September 14, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Indian Summer Activism!

I love the weather as it changes after the Labor Day holiday. Especially the Feeling of Indian Summer, as Autumn approaches!
And, today, is Such a Day in the Northeastern part of the U.S.

However, as I enjoy the Beauty of this day, I am Filled with Mixed Feelings.
This is the Same Feeling that I had Earlier this Year.
Think about it, We're, still, involved in 3 Wars, aren't we?
And, the Unemployment Rate is around 9.7 the Highest its been in Decades, so, What is there, Really, to Feel Good About!
Certainly not, the News Media, whether it be the Main Stream Media, Cable News Media, Tabloid Journals, Whatever the Form of Media it may be, "They" are All Very Disturbing! They, (the Infamous They) simply do not Report the News.
There is Always a Spin on it, instead of Reporting it, as it is!

And, I'm Still Waiting for the World Religious Bodies to Stand up, and, Make a Statement Calling for an End of War! And, an End of Dishonesty, in The Global Financial Community! And, an End of Poverty, Homelessness, Greed, and, Lust for Power, amongst the Major Industrialized Countries!

And, isn't it Time for an End of Genocide, Wherever it May Occur on the Face of This Planet!

And, isn't it Time for a Global Peacetime Economy to Re-occur!
This is The Change that I have been Expecting to Take Place in The New Millennium!
A Change based on a Non-Militaristic, Culturally, Technologically, Scientifically, Philosophically, Financially, and, Spiritual Evolution for One and All to Benefit By!

And, so, You can see Why it is, still, Very Difficult for me to Feel at Peace with the State of Being of Our Planet!

Once again, I Call upon Voices of Reason, and, Peacemakers, to Come Forth as One Great Soul Force, and, Non-Violently Demonstrate, Debate, and, Demand that Our World Leaders, and, Terrorists, Whomever, and Wherever You May Be to Give Peace a Chance (as John & Yoko sang, so, many years ago)!

Let us All Call for a Truce of Contemplation! A Time for Recollection, a Time for Dialogue, and Reflection! A Time for Discussion!
How else are "We" to Resolve Our Differences, Unless "We" Take the Time to Meet with Our Enemies!
Let's Call for a Global Truce, to Last for One Year! To Make a Sincere Attempt to Work out, and Find Solutions for the Myriad, Diverse Problems that have Caused the Deterioration of Human Behavioral Conditions! Is that Too Much to Ask For!

"We Can All Benefit from a Shared Prosperity, "We" Can All Benefit from One World Living in Peace, Harmony, Equanimity, and Equality!
Think of Living in a World of Non-Polluted Ecological Grace on This The Third Planet from The Sun!