Friday, September 4, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

We Salute Those In Harms Way!

As "We" Celebrate this Last Holiday Weekend of Summer, Let us All, Say a Prayer, Meditate, or, Simply Take a Moment to Reflect on Those Brave Men and Women who are Engaged in Battle Fronts, in Three Wars!
The War in Iraq (where Lives are Still Being Lost) Afghanistan/Pakistan, and, The Global War on Terror (now being referred to as The Overseas Contingency Operation, by the Obama Administration!

And, so, I Say to You who are In Harms Way, You are the True Heroes of the Day!

You Give Your Lives to Protect Our Principles, and Our Way of Life!

You Place Your Lives in Danger for Country, and Honor!

You Protect Those who are Defenseless, No matter what Race, Color, Creed, or Nationality they may be!

"We" can Never Thank You Enough for Your Selfless Sacrifice, and Duty!

"We the People" of this The Third Planet from The Sun, Salute You, and, Honor You!

And, May You Come Home Safe and Sound to Your Families, Friends, Neighbors, and, Country, as Honored Veterans!

And, to Your Families, Always Remember that the Hearts and Souls of "We the People" are Eternally with You!