Monday, October 5, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. III

The Way to Peace Lies through So Many Unique Individuals. Without Placing Them in Any Special Chronological Order, Their Names Come to Mind and Resound Al-throughout my Conscious Awareness; Charlemagne, Socrates, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and, On and On the List goes, Including, Novelists, Journalists, Poets, Philosophers, World Leaders, Singers, Musicians, and Everyday People who Work 9 to 5 Jobs, Who've Devoted Their Lives to the Great Principles of Freedom for One and All!
Men and Women who've Devoted and Given their Lives in The Name of Peace!

And, Now it is Our Responsibility to Continue in this Great Tradition of Peacemakers and Men and Women of Vision! For the Sake of Our Children and Our Children's Children!

For the Sake of The Countless Number who have Died to Preserve and Build A Peace Eternal!

For the Sake of All Sentient Beings, and This Planet Earth!

This should be Our Peace Mantra, Our Hymn of Peace and Harmony, Our Song of Equality, Equanimity, and A Shared Prosperity for One and All!

How many Times have I, or, So Many Others, Spoken, or, Written These Same Words, and How Many More Times will there be a Need For A Choir of Peace, A Universal Body of Nations without Borders Or Nationalities whose Voices will be Raised Up to Sing A Song of Peace that Resonates All Throughout Our Galaxy!

Let us Continue to Be a Great Soul Force for Peace!
Let us Continue to Show The Way to Those Lost Souls who are in Need of The Truth To Guide them Back to The Peace Fold!

"We" have Experienced Enough Crusades, World Wars, Pre-Emptive Strikes, and Global Conflicts to Graphically and Tragically Prove the Fruitlessness of War!

How Many More of Our Children have to Lose their Lives and Limbs, in Vain, Because of the Ego, False Vanity, and Lust of Power by Dictators, Sophists, Religious Fanatics, and Power Crazed Individuals!

Let us Put and End, to this Evil and Senseless Way of Thought, and, to The Idea That through War, any Great Accomplishment can be Gained.

Its Only Through Peace that This Planets Salvation Lies!
Let us For Once and All Come to A Universal Agreement that In and Through Peace Lies The Way!

Peacemakers and Voices of Reason, Let us Continue to Speak Out, Non-Violently Demonstrate, and Stand Up in The Name of Peace!
Let us Be Counted Amongst The Nexus of Peace. And, Let us Continue to Build A Bridge of Peace that is Everlasting!