Thursday, October 8, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. IV

I would like to Experience Living in Peace, Now! During my lifetime, Not in Some Distant Far Off Future, after, The U.S. has Exhausted itself in One Fruitless War after Another! Is that Too Much to Ask for?
Why Can "We" Not Leave The Afghanistan/ Pakistan War behind us? Are "We" Too Afraid that a New World War will begin?

Haven't "We" Learned Enough from The Vietnam War? The Rationale that The World would be Over Run by Communism, doesn't Exist! In fact The Vietnamese, and The Chinese are Important Trading Partners to the U.S. And, Russia is an Important World Player in Dealing with Iran!
So, what is this Fear "We" have In Giving Peace a Chance?

Why is there any Reluctance on the Part of The World Nations to Give Peace a Chance?
What Harm is there in Calling Out to All Warring Factions to Participate in a Global Truce! And, Conduct World Peace Talks?
This would be Truly a Step Towards The Way To Peace!

And, It would be A Peace that "We" Can All Share with Our Families, Friends, and Neighbors!
A Peace that "We" Can All Enjoy Now, Not Later!

I'm Not Suggesting that The World Nations Succumb to Crime, or Give in to Their Enemies Evil Intentions, or Aggression!

I'm Not Suggesting that The U.S., or, Any of The Western Industrialized Nations Not Come to The Aid of a Defenseless Nation, in Harms Way!

I am saying that "We" Can Do All of This, and Still be Strong Enough to Live in a Declared State of Universal Peace.
A Peace that Embraces this Planet Earth in Totality and The Universe that "We" are apart of!

This would be an Honorable Peace! And, A Fair One that Everyone Can Share, No Matter what Race, Creed, or Nationality You may be! A Lasting Peace that Everyone Can Be Proud of!
This would be a Peace that would Serve One and All as A Shining Solar Axiom, That Our Ancestors, who Gave Their Lives to Preserve The Peace, Would Indeed be Proud of! And, A Gift of Life to Our Future Generations!

So, once again, I ask Why Not Give Peace a Chance?

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Whomever and Wherever You May Be, Continue to Follow Your Peace Path! Continue to Follow Your Belief in Peace!
Continue to Speak Out and Non-Violently Demonstrate in The Name of Peace!
Continue to Build a Peace Bridge to One Another, that Can Not be Destroyed by The Forces of War!
Continue to Follow Your Heart and Souls Desire to Live In Peace!
For, In Peace Lies The Way! And, The Way To Peace is The Answer to This Planet Earths Survival!