Thursday, October 15, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. VI

I can Read the Headlines of The Global News Media, "The United Nations of The World Agree to A New Proclamation, The Age Of The Peace Millennium has Officially Begun!"

"A Global Truce has been Called, to be Renewed Perennially!"

"The World Nations Agree to An Age Of Peace Time Economy! An End of Poverty! An End of Homelessness! A Universal Health Care, and Positive Welfare Program That Benefits Each and Every Citizen of This Planet Earth!"

Can You Imagine The New Synergy that Would Be Surging All Over This Earth!

Can You Imagine The Bridge of Peace and Harmony that Would Connect All of Our United Hearts, Minds, and Souls! A Great Universal Nexus Of Oneness!
A Bridge Of Peace Between All Nations, Creeds, and Races!

And. Once again, Let me Say that It Doesn't Mean that The U.S. Department of Defense, or, The Defense Departments from All Over The World Should Close Up Shop, and, Go Out of Business, Their Budgets Would Still Be Intact!
In Fact, Our New Freedom and Global Peace Would Be, Even More so, In Need of Protecting!
And, The Global Truce Would Need to Be Re-Inforced Every time A New Warring Faction, Or, Aspiring New Dictator Attempts to Destroy The Peace!
The Difference Would Be that "We" Would Be Living In Peace!
Our Armed Forces Would Be Protecting The Global Peace Millennium!
Can You Feel The Difference!

It's Definitely Time that "We The People," Demand A Peace Referendum!
Citizens from All Over The World Call Upon Your Nations Leaders to Declare A Global Truce! Nothing less Will Do!
It's Time For An Age Of Peace For One and All! For Each and Every Citizen of This The Third Planet From The Sun!
Now! Not Later, at Some Undetermined Time Period! Now!

It Could Be A Wonderful Holiday Initiative, For All Nations To Partake In!
Beginning Officially in 2010!

And, Once again, I ask, Why Not Give Peace A Chance! Hasn't there Been Enough War to Last Us for an Eternity Already!

Voices Of Reason, and Peacemakers Whomever, or, Wherever You May Be,
Reach Out, Speak Up, and, Non-Violently Demonstrate, and, Let Us March in Step with Each Other, In The Name Of Peace!
"We" All Have a Calling, Let Our Voices Sing Out as One..."Peace!"

Can You Imagine The Headlines from All Over The World... "Peace At last!"