Thursday, October 22, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. VIII

The Way To Peace is a Clear Vision Path for The Global Nations to Take!
As I've previously written, and, spoke of, There are No Isms, or, Ocracys to Politically, or, Economically Distract The World Leaders from Focusing on The Clear Realization that Poverty and Homelessness have No Place within A World Living at Peace with Itself!
And, No State of Being should Condone, or, Accept this Inhumane Condition!
The House of Peace has No Room for Poverty!
And, No Child should Live in Fear of, The Threat of Genocide!
And, No Parent should have to Live in Fear of Unemployment, or, Being Unable to Feed, or Provide for The Welfare, and Health Care of Their Family!

A Peace Millennium Provides A Plethora of Economic, Cultural, Scientific, Technological, Spiritual, Educational, and Philanthropic Possibilities!
It is Limitless in Scope!
And, It is Boundless in Ecological, Environmental, and Planetary Potentialities, For The Earths Survival!

A Global Truce Can Lead The Way to this New Peace Millennium! And, It Can Lead The Way to a Sustained Effort by All of The United Nations of This Planet Earth to Bring Forth A Miracle to Its Populace! Which is, The Gift of Peace to One And All! With The Promise that Their Combined Defense Departments Will Act as A Whole, To Protect, and, Preserve The Peace, and, "We the People," the Citizens of This Earth from Harms Way!

Just Imagine, Our Children Growing Up in An Age of Peace, and Prosperity!
Knowing that They will Be Given The Opportunity and Social Security They Need, To Achieve Their Goals, and, Attain Whatever Admirable Heights, and, States of Being that May Lie Ahead for Them!
Think of It, Our Children will Be Living In An Age of Peace!

All that The Leaders of The Earths United Nations have to Do Is, Have The Courage to Proclaim A World Truce! A Global Peace Declaration!
And, Give Peace a Chance!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Whomever and Wherever You May Be, Let Us Enter into A Peace Covenant Based on The Certitude that "We" will Not Give Up Until "We" have Peace Now!

Let Us Build A Bridge of Peace Between Us that Can Not Be Destroyed!

Let Us Establish A Nexus to One Another that Is Everlasting!

Let Us Stand Together, and, Non-Violently March Together in The Name of Peace!
And, Let Our Voices Sing Out Give Peace a Chance!

President Obama, You are Now One of The Most Celebrated Men In The World!
You have been Given The Nobel Peace Prize, and, Once Again, "We" Congratulate You!
But Now, "We the People" ask of You to Give Peace a Chance! Now!
There are No Tomorrows for The Many who have already Given Their Lives, To Preserve The Peace! And for Their Families, Though Proud of The Contribution and Service, that Their Children have Made on Behalf of Their County, Still Mourn Their Loss!
"We" ask for Your Passion! "We" Call upon You to Use Your Celebrated Position to Be A Voice for Peace. And, Call for A Global Truce, To Begin During The Holidays, and, Continue on Into The New Year.
And, "We the People" ask You to Call Upon All the Nations of This Planet Earth to Join in a New Peace Initiative and Discourse, A Peace Dialogue, that Historians Will Look Back on, and, Herald as The Beginning of A New Peace Millennium on Earth!

Is it Too Much to Ask for Peace Now!