Monday, December 14, 2009



The Way To Peace! Pt. XXIII

The Way To Peace lies through a Peace Millennium Consciousness, and, a Universal Awareness that "We" are Born Citizens of The Earth! This, The Third Planet from The Sun! And, that "We" are Inhabitants of a Vast Universe, who Wish To Live in Peace!

Let us simply begin with, and, process this Reality, before addressing what political affiliation "We" may be influenced by! If a Peace Change is to Come then "We" have to Think Peace, Talk Peace, Sing of Peace, Believe in Peace, and, Imagine Living in Peace!

So, just for a moment, Forget about whether You are a Liberal or Conservative! Democrat or Socialist! Progressive or Moderate! Communist or Idealist! Terrorist or Crime Lord! Pragmatist or Economist! Catholic or Protestant! Muslim or Baptist! Jewish or Arabic! Or, whatever Shades of White/Pink, Brown, Red or Black skin you may have!

And, just for another moment, Forget about what Country You are a Native of! You are simply a Citizen of The Earth, inhabiting One of the most Beautiful Planets in The Galaxy! And, Peace is Your Chosen Way of Life! Why? Because You've always known that, Without a Doubt, any other Course of Action would Lead Your Fellow Human Beings, and, The World into War! And, that would Lead One and All into a Path of Death and Destruction!
Its as simple as that!

And, Can You Imagine being Buoyed up by the Fact that any Attempt to Disturb or Destroy the Peace would be Met with an Immediate Re-action by The World of United Nations! And, what a Powerful Deterrent that would be!

Then, Imagine All of The Leaders of The Worlds United Nations and Leaders of The Global Religious Communities Marching in Concert to The Beat of One Drummer! Beating out the Rhythms of Peace on Earth!

And, Imagine A Global Financial Community of Women and Men, Corporations and Banks, Global Institutions and Philanthropic Groups working in Concert with each other to Support and Maintain a Global Economy that Embraced and Dutifully Chose to Care for, and, Provide a Living and Education for Each and Every Citizen of The Earth!
This is The Way of Peace!

There is no Doubt that A Peace Change must Come! A New State of Universal Awareness, and, Consciousness that is Centered on, quite simply, Living in Peace! Forget about All of The Isms! Peace should be The Way of Life for All Sentient Beings! This Earth and Our Survival Depends on it!

For much Too long "We" have been told and conditioned to believe that Evil is the Reason why "We" have to Fight in One War after Another. Thereby locking us, "We the People," Citizens of The Earth, into a Continuous Path of Annihilation! Subjecting us to, and, Drained by, yet another War Time Economy!

"We" have been told that "We" are Imperfect Beings, which, as if this was an incontestable solar axiom , supported the contention that every action done on our behalf was to protect us, from ourselves!
"We" have been mislead and conditioned over and over again, by Sophists, and, Outright Liars, that War was our only Recourse to vanquish evil, in the Name of Freedom, God, or, Democracy! The result of all of these Wars was never Peace!
Just The Illusion of Peace until the Next confrontation!

It is Time for our Leaders to understand that "We" do not want to Solve our Problems through War!
And, "We" do not want to see our Daughters and Sons killed in yet another War!

However, if "We" have to Defend, Protect, and, Preserve our Way of Life, Let Peace Eternal be The Reason!

A Peace Change must Come! I don't know How much longer anyone of us can stand to see our Friends and Neighbors struggle to Care for their Children!
Or, see them threatened by taxes, and, the lack of employment, making it practically impossible, for them, to pay their bills, and, are continuously on the verge of being unable to care for their Families!

A New Peace Movement must begin, and, Evolve into an Earthrise for Peace! And, the sooner the better! Why? Because "We the People," have lived under an oppressive economy, abuse, and, manipulation in our lives, to last for another millennium!

Its Time for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue! Now! An ongoing Discussion, and, Conversation amongst The World Leaders of The United Nations, and, The Citizens of The World! A Peace Dialogue!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Whomever and Wherever You May be,
Call upon your Local,Regional, National, and, International Leaders to Unite in a Common Cause of Peace on Earth!

However, "We" will have to be A Great Soul Force, and, A Well of Hope for The Nexus of Peace to Drink from!
"We" will have to be A Bridge of Peace to the Hearts and Souls of Billions of The Earths Citizens, who have Longed to Live in A World of Peace! A Peace Millennium!
And, Encourage All who will listen, that, Its Time "We" Gave Peace a Chance!