Friday, March 19, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXIX

The Way To Peace Depends on "We The People," Citizens of The Earth Making a Resolute, Consistent, and Positive Position in Our Pursuit of A Peace Millennium!
"We" will have to Overcome The Nay Sayers, and The Capitalistic Oligarchs who would Deny Us The Peace of Mind, and Quality of Life that Should be Ours to Enjoy on A Daily Basis!
And, "We" will have to Address the Implementation of Our Emancipation Declaration of The New Millennium on Point by Point Basis!
Beginning with The Conscious Awareness, and Resolve that Change Must Come!
And, A Conscious Change in Our Priorities will be Needed, if "We" are to Establish An Age of Peace on Earth, Starting Now, in The Twenty-First Century!

First of All, Education is One Area where "We" Can All Universally Agree, that it should Be Free for Every One!
This is A Highly Ethical Point of Contention, The Idea of Making a Profit by Educating Our Children Lacks in Any Principled, or Humanistic Thought of What A Culturally Evolved Age should be!
The Time and Cost of Educating our Children should Not be Apart of any Peace Time Equation, in Which The Education of Our Children is Concerned!
Their Minds and Intellect Need Time to Absorb, Process, and Reflect on The Information, Knowledge, and Historical Data that they will Learn about This Planet of Ours!
And Their Emotions Need The Time to Come into A Universal and Personal Balance with The Intellectual and Empirical Experiences that will Enter into Their Consciousness on A Daily Basis!
And, The Last Thing that any Parent should Worry About what The Financial Cost of Their Child's Education will be! Quite simply, Money should Not Be a Factor!
And, without a Doubt, The Education of Our Children should be One of The Main Points of Our Emancipation Declaration!
Europe is Far in advance of The United `States in This Area! Its unfortunate that The U.S. has made such a Business out of Our Children's Education!

And secondly, of course, A Peace Time Economy should definitely be One of The major Points of Our Emancipation Declaration as was Presented in the March 15th blog of The Way To Peace!

And, A Strong Defense Will be Needed!
Today's Mothers and Fathers have Great Pride in Their Children who are in The Armed Forces! However, Imagine The Pride "We The People," Citizens of The Earth would have in Knowing that The Armed Forces of The Earths Nations Existed Solely to Protect, Preserve, and Defend The Peaceful Evolution of The Citizenry of The Planet!
And that, Their Duty would be to Serve, "Of, By, and For The People!"
And, To Protect, Preserve, and Defend The Bodies, Minds, and Souls of "We The People!" And that, This would be The Centerpiece of Their Strategic World Defense Parameters!
And lastly, that, Each and Every Member of The Earths Armed Forces would Know in Advance that Their Responsibilities Encompassed A Universal Macrocosm that is Rooted in The Emancipation Declaration of A Solar Axiom that Embraced Every Citizen of The Earths Populace, Irregardless of Race, Creed, or Nationality!
And that, Their Defense, Preservation, and Protection of Our Lives is The Root of The Peace Equation that Our New Millennium is Founded on!

And, as The Universe is Limitless in Scope, so, Will Our Peace Equation be Limitless in its Potentiality! However, Its Surety, Fate, and Institutionalization lies in Our Resolute Commitment, and Conscious Awareness of Both Our Present, and Future Generations Right To Live in Peace!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Wherever, and, Whomever You May be,
Let Us Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!
And, Let Us Continue to Organize and Be Apart of An Earthrise Movement of Peace!
And, as One Great Soul Force, Let Us Spread The Word that The Time has Come to "Give Peace a Chance!

And, as A Great Prescient Wave of Future Events, Let Us Wash away, The Negative Conditioned Realities that have Manipulated and Impeded Us from Evolving into An Illuminated Age of Peace Everlasting!
And, Let Us Text, Twitter, Email, and Demonstrate in The Name of Peace!
And, Let Us Reach Out via Yahoo, Google, Linkedin, Facebook, Radio, Cable and Network TV, Meditation,Contemplation, Satellite Communications, Music, Dance, Theatre, and The Arts, Newspapers, and Magazines, that Its Time "We" Gave Peace a Chance!

And, Let Us use Every Resource of The Internet, and Cross-Media Universe to Create a Bridge of Peace that Fulfills to The Uttermost Realization of Our Hearts, Minds, and Souls, that "We" are Citizens of One World, The Third Planet of The Sun!
And, May Our Emancipation Declaration bring Encouragement and Hope to A Time Period of Uncertainty, and War!

And, Let Us Lead One Another from "Unreal to Real," as The Mahatma Shared with Us!
And, Let Us Find Comfort in The Full Realization that "We" are Not Alone in Our Pursuit of Freedom, Peace, and A Shared Prosperity For One and All (whether Racially or Economically)!

For "We" are The World, and, All that "We" have to Do is to Look at The Illuminated Examples of Siddhartha Gautama, Socrates, Muhammad, Confucius,
Mother Teresa, Machiventa Melchizedek, Lao-Tse, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, and Jesus of Nazareth to Show Us The Way!

And, Let Us Find The Strength, and Balance from These Illuminated Beings, and In The Knowledge that This is An Age of Great Potential, Which is Why, There is Such A Great Need For there To Be Peace on Earth for All Sentient Beings!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!