Thursday, May 6, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXIII

Congratulations goes out to The Street Vendors in Time Square and The NY Police Department and The Authorities for Catching The Suspect in The Times Square Bombing attempt! Its an Excellent Example of how The People of The United States can Make a Positive Contribution to The Protection of Our Cities, Villages, Towns, and States! And proudly so!

On the Other hand The BP Disaster is an Example of how Destructive Off Shore Oil Drilling can be Without The Proper Safeguards in Place!
The Damage that BP's Drilling Disaster has Caused is Beyond Comprehension!

The Gulf of New Mexico, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida lie Naked in its Path!
And, The Fishing Industry is Receiving a Crushing Blow to its Prosperity, and Survival in this already, Severely Tested area of The U.S.

And, it Amazes me How Many Times BP has been Fined, and Still it's in Business!
BP's license should have been Suspended after the Texas Refinery Explosion in 2006!
Or, after The Serious Oil Spill in Alaska in 2007!
How Many More Chances should the Executives of BP be given before "They" are Removed from their Positions. Or, as Donald Trump might say, "They're Fired!"

And, if President Obama does not want His Presidency to be Remembered for this Tragedy, as Ex-President Bush's Presidency is Remembered for His, and His Administrations Lackluster/Horrible Response when Katrina Struck and Devastated Louisiana, President Obama should use All of The Resources of The United States/FEMA to Prevent any Further Destruction to Our Sea Life in The Gulf and All along its Shorelines! Again, Louisiana, Florida, and Mississippi are all Subject to this Path of Destruction!

And, He should Seriously Reconsider Putting Forth any more Off Shore Drilling Proposals until He has Positively made sure, as sure as Possible that this Kind of Disaster does not Happen again!

And simultaneously, He should Move Quickly to Advance Green Technology and Alternative Energy Proposals, that He spoke so Eloquently about when He was a Presidential Candidate!
The Time for Talk is Over, Action is what The Country Needs if New Energy Sources are to be Implemented and Made apart of Our Earths Society!

The World has been Eagerly awaiting for the Once Great Manufacturing Industry of The United States to begin Producing a Green Industry that Empowers the 21st Century!
And, "We" The Citizens of The Earth have been Looking Forward to, as well as, in Desperate Need of, The New Jobs that Will be A Result of The Green Technological Evolution!
This Must take place, Before The Global UN-Employment Causes Furthermore Severe Stoppage, and Blockage of The Heart Valves of The Worlds Economy!
And, the Idea of Off Shore Drilling is Not the Compromise, or Proposal that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth Need to Put Us Back to Work!
The Change that "We" have been Expecting, to Happen, For More than a Year, should be A Reflection of New Idea's, and New Business Models of A Highly Moral and Ethical Characteristic, and Nature of The Technological, Scientific, Educational, Spiritual, Philosophical, and Culturally Evolved New Millennium! And, "We" Expect Nothing less than that!
"We've" had Enough of The Corrupt Old Buddy Boy System, and Mentality that has Profited at Our Expense!

And, as a Gesture of Good Faith, All of the Executives and Company Officials who are Responsible for Off Shore Oil Operation of BP should Resign, or be Fired, and Replaced with Women and Men who Respect Our Sea's, Skies, Earth and Universe!

Women and Men who are Willing and Able to be Honest and Conscientious Executives and Representatives of a New and Advanced Global Financial System that Merits Safety above the Merit of Financial Profit!

Women and Men who Value, Truth, Reliability, Hard Work, and Accountability, Above and Beyond The Almighty Dollar/Euro/Bottomline!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, if "We" are to Protect Our Wetlands, and Marshlands, Waterways and Forests!

If "We" are to Protect The Life Forms of All Sentient Beings, Air and Universe from further Devastation and Pollution, "We" have to Stand Steadfast against The Capitalistic Oligarchs who do not care, Not One Bit, about what The Consequences may be of their Evil and Malicious Programs and Agendas of Lust and Greed!

"They", (the Infamous they), whom I refer to as The Invisibles, are Represented by Politicians and Business Leaders who are in Collusion with Each Another for One Reason, which is to Profit at The Earths Expense and Demise, if "They" Deem that to be Necessary!

And while "They" Pretend to be "Too Big to Fail," "They" Must be Brought Down to Earth!

"They" Must be Forced, Non-Violently, through Our Perseverance, Ingenuity, and Intelligence, to Respect, Protect, Serve and Honor "We The People," Citizens of The Earths!

"We" do not Need any more BP's, Exxon's, Chernobyl's, 3 Mile Islands, or Katrina's, to Hit Us over The Head, before "We" Get The Message!

And, Now its The Turn of Our World Leaders to Understand that A Real Life Change Must Come, in The Way that "They" do Business! A Change that is "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

And lastly, "We" Need more Peacemakers and Voices of Reason to Balance Out The Violence, War, UN-Declared Wars, and Crime that only Begets more Violence, Crime, and War in Return!

And, Its Time for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to Take Place amongst Intelligent, Enlightened, and Consciously Aware Leaders and Nations who Fully Realize that A Global Peace Must Come! Coupled with A Peace Time Economy! And, Let this be Our Emancipation Declaration of the 21st Century!

And, alway's Remember that "We are The World," so, Lets "Give Peace a Chance! And, Let this be an Age of A Great Earthrise Movement that Leads Us to The Way of Peace, and A Peace Millennium!