Monday, May 17, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXVI

Let there be A Great Earthrise Movement "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"
Let it Flow as A Great Cascade of Non-Violent Waters that Soaks and Covers The Earth Entire, All in its Path! Drenching The Fires of War, and Terrorist Acts of Violence!
While Simultaneously, Nourishing The Seeds of Peace and An All Inclusive Universe Inhabited, and Represented by All Sentient Beings! Resolutely Refusing to Give Way to The Temptations of A Conditioned Reality!
Knowing that there Can Not Be any Real Satisfaction in A World without Agreement and Justice that Benefits "We The People," and Cares For The Welfare of "We The People," without Prejudice or Vindictiveness Leveled against "We The People!"

It is Obvious that, If "We" do Not Change from Our Present Course, "We" will Continue on a Path where Assassination, Murder, Destruction, War, and Crime will be The Global News Media's Headlines, and Our Primary Mode for Survival!
Think about it!
And, To whom will "We" Give Thanks for the Lives that have Passed away?

And, To whom will "We" Give Thanks to, For The Million of Lives that have been Lost due to War and Violence?

Just last week, Eleven More Lives of Our Armed Forces were Lost in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"We" have to ask Ourselves Why? And, what is The Value of Their Lives?

The U.S. has Spent More than a Trillion Dollars Fighting in Both The Iraq, and Afghanistan UN-Declared Wars, but, How do "We" Evaluate The Loss of Life of A Daughter and, or Son, to A Mother or Father? Brother or Sister?

And, Is there No other Way To Achieve Peace on Earth, other than War?

And, Is there any Real Integrity or Honor in an Armed Conflict without there being an Established Age of Peace on Earth?
Or, are Our Children Fighting in these UN-Declared Conflicts Simply for Our Leaders to Create a New Strategic Global Design that is Beneficial to their Philosophical Way of Thinking?

Is War, and Armed Confrontations the only Answer to The Problems that "We" are Presently being Faced with?
And, Why isn't there More Peace Directives, and Diplomatic Overtures being Made?

It's More than obvious that "We" Need A New Generation of Respected Women and Men of Justice and Enlightenment, who Value The Universality of All Sentient Beings, to Lead The Way to A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!

Women and Men of Interdependent Philosophies of Life!

Women and Men who are Appalled by The Millions of Deaths that have Paved The Paths of War, UN-Declared Wars, and Global Conflicts!

Women and Men who Agree to be True Representatives "Of The People, For The People, and By The People," who are Determined to Put an End to The River of Blood that has Flowed, and at times Tainted Our Lives, and Been The Cause of A Cascade of Tears of Tragedy, that have Resulted in The Deaths of Too Many Lives without A Real Consideration of what The Consequences would be!
Consequences of Death and Violence that have been The Cause of Human Trauma and Mental Imbalance of Episodic Proportions, For Century after Century!

And, No Matter How hard "We" May Try, The Tension, and at times, Guilt Continues to Exist, and be Revealed in Every Confession and, Request for Forgiveness!
And, will Continue to Exist, as such, until "We" have Cleansed Ourselves from Believing that Violence is The Answer, and Solution to Our Problems!

Yes, "We" will Always have Need of Women and Men of Conscious Awareness who are True Public Servants "Of The People, For The People, and By The People," Citizens Of The Earth, to Protect Us, and The Preserve The Peace!
But, only to Maintain The Peace, and Not to Gain Strategic Possession of An others Property, Country, Riches, or Resources!

And Yes, "We" are Aware that there are those amongst Us who would Rather Gain Success at An others Ruination!
Or, Achieve their Aims, and Ambitions through Illegalities and Loopholes!
"They" are, The Infamous "They" who would Take Advantage of their Fellow Human Being for their Own Advantage, and, or Pleasure!

"They" are The Cruelest of The Cruel, who take Pride in Genocide and Killing Defenseless Children!
"They" have No Conscience! "They" have No Sense of Morality! And, "They" have No Souls!
And though,"They," at times, Profess to be Protectors Of The People, Do Not be Fooled by their Pretenses because in Truth, "They" do Absolutely the Barest of Minimum to Ease The Strife and Misery of The Tens of Thousands of Us "We The People," who are Barely able to Survive and Care for Our Families, Some, of Which, who are Living in Tents!

"They," The Infamous "They," May be Learned and Privileged, but All that "They" have Learned is to do Nothing when Financial Regulations and Laws are Being Broken and Violated at The Expense of "We The People!"
And, "They" Accept Payment to Look the Other Way, when Corporations and Financial Institutions Continuously Break The Law of The Land!
And Permit the Actions of Corporations, such as BP, to Threaten the, already, Delicate Balance of The Earths Ecology and Environmental Stability!

Does anyone Wonder about The Reason Why, The Ozone Layer Exists? Remember The Ozone Layer?
And then add to that, the Effect that Tsunamis, Climate Change, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Hurricanes have had!
And when you Add to that, The Oil Spills and Pollution, You Fully Realize The Abuse and Rape that Our Earth has Received by these "Profit at any Cost" Worlds of Big Business! "They" are The IST's of The Global Oligarchy! "They" do Not Value Life, "They" only Value what Glitters and is Gold, and The Almighty Dollar/Euro/Yen, etc!

So, Yes, "We" Definitely Need Armed Protection, New Regulations, New Reforms, and Diplomatic Oversight to Defend and Protect Us from Further Injustices from Taking Place!
And Yes, this to is, The Way To Peace!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Interdependent Women and Men of Intellect and Compassion!

Interdependent Women and Men of Great Heart and Soulfulness!

Interdependent Women and Men who Believe in Truth and Empathy, Honesty and Sincerity, Equality and Sympathy!
Who are, Non-Violent Peace Activists of The 20th and 21st Century, Our Time has Come!
Let Us Mobilize into A Great Soul Force, and Inspiring Earthrise Movement "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

Let Us Empower Each Other and Make Sure that Our Message is being Heard!

Let Our Emancipation Declaration Reach-Out Across The Earth via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe o'er Land and Sea to State UN-Equivocally that Our Time has Come!
This is The Way To Peace, Enriched by A Peace Time Economy, and A Peace filled Millennium!
And, Remember "We are The World," so, Let's "Give Peace a Chance!"