Thursday, May 20, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXVII

You do not have to be a Genius to See the Writing on The Wall (as the saying goes) to Know that A Change Must Come!

The Global Financial System is a Broken and Failed System, and The Conditioned Reality that "We" have been Intertwined in, has Caused an Ineptitude in Our Service Industries, and in Our Global Corporate World and Institutions that is Suffocating Us, and Smothering The Human Spirit!

And, Make No Mistake, this is a Global Tragedy in The Making, and if "We" do Not Rebel Against The Powers that Be (The IST's of The Global Oligarchy) "We" Will Continue to Fall into a Complacent, Spiritless, Non-Productive State of Existence!
Global UN-Employment and A Vision less World Economy are just Two Symptoms of this Purposeless Reality that I am Referring to!
And, A Lack of Belief and Trust in Our Governments, Religions, and Financial Leaders are Another Part of this Malaise of Spirit!

And, The Feeling of Hope has Taken a Devastating Beating since the Last Presidential Campaign, and Election in The United States! And, A Change Must Come For All of Our Sakes!

"We" have Trusted, For Too Long, Politicians who have Made False Promises and Made Rhetoric that "They" had No Idea of How "They" were Going to Implement, if Elected! A Change Must Come!

And, "We" have Trusted Our Religious Leaders, Implicitly, only to be Shown Over and Over again, that "They" to, have Their Own Secrets, and Too Often Refuse to Admit to Their Own Mistakes or Rid themselves, and Their Religions of The Evil Intentions and Immoral Acts of Violence that "They" are Supposed to Be Spiritually and Humanistically Opposed to! A Change Must Come!

And, "We" have Trusted For Much Too Long The Goldman Sachs, The AIG's, The SEC, The Fed, The World Banks, The IMF, The ECB, Regulators,and The Global "Get Rich" Markets! A Change Must Come!

And, You Can Not Believe what You Read or what Your International, National, Regional, and Local News Commentator says, Because, quite simply, You do Not Know what Affiliation, or Whose Pocket He or She May be in! "We" are Desperately in Need of Newsmen and Newswomen who Cover The News in the Tradition of Walter Cronkite! Someone "We" All Trusted and Believed in! Yes, A Change Must Come!

And, Yes, "We" Definitely Need New Political Party's who are Truly "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

And, Yes, "We" Need New Economists who Believe in A Peace Time Economy "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

And, Yes, "We" Need New Spiritual/Religious Leaders who are Of The People, For The People, and By The People!" If God Gave The Life of His only Begotten Son For "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, then The Religious/Spiritual Clergies should Get Out of Their Ivory Towers, and Gilded Palatial Edifices and Walk in Our Shoes! And, Experience The Horrific Acts Of Genocide that have Destroyed Our Families and Homes!

And then, Go En Masse where Children and Adult Women and Men are being Sold into Slavery, and Expose this Immoral and Evil Business Practice of Human Trafficking For what it Truly is!
And, If "They" Truly Believe in God, then Let these Men and Women of God Prove it, as Jesus of Nazareth did! And, as Mahatma Gandhi did! And, as Mother Teresa did! And, Siddhartha Gautama, Muhammad, Socrates, Confucius, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Zoroaster, Melchizedek Machiventa, St, Francis of Assisi, and Lao-Tse did! Because, A Change Must Come!

And, to The Leaders of Our Global Armed Forces, This is The Age of Extraordinary Technological Evolvement! And, This is The Millennium of Mystifying Scientific Evolvement! And, it is Your Sacred Duty to Make Sure that Weapons of Mass Destruction are Changed into Weapons of Peace that Serve to Protect "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
And, It is Your Sacred Duty to Protect and Maintain The Peace!

And, It is Your Sacred Duty to Be Servants "Of The People, For The People, and By the People!" As was Emperor Charlemagne and President D. Dwight Eisenhower who Learned that it was their Sacred Duty and Responsibility to Serve The People!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries,
Let Our Emancipation Declaration Of Peace Bring Back The Feelings of Hope, Trust, and Belief in Our Ideals and Principles!
And, May this be A Peace Configuration For One World, Living in Peace and Prosperity For One and All. For All Sentient Beings of this The Third Planet of The Sun!
And, Let Our Earthrise Movement of Peace, Encourage One and All to Transcend The Conditioned Web of Negativity, Duplicity and Lies that has Impeded and Attempted to Entrapped Us!

And, Let Our Millennium Of Peace be A Cultural Age Of Educational Evolution, Knowledge and Enlightenment!

And, May Our Peace Efforts Lead Us to A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue that Heralds a New Age of Peace on Earth!

And, once again, Let's Spread The Word that "We" Will Not be Fooled Again, or Persuaded From Our Pursuit of An Everlasting Peace on Earth!
Let's Spread The Word via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe that "We" Want "Peace Now! Let's Tweet it, Download it, Email it, and Print it Out! Let's "Give Peace a Chance!"
And, Remember that "We are The World," and A Great and Non-Violent Soul Force of The Truth!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!