Thursday, May 13, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXV

The Late Folk Musician and Composer Tim Hardin wrote "Reason To Believe" Decades Ago, and I humbly believe that Title, alone, has Great Symbolism for Today's World as well! Without A Reason To Believe, what in fact do "We The People," Citizens of The Earth have! Each other, Yes! Our Friends, and Families, Yes!
Politicians and Members of The Clergy, are Questionable, to Say the Least!
And, Our Banks, and Financial Institutions are also Questionable!

So, "We" have to Motivate Each Other, and Empower Each Other to Transcend The Conditioned Reality that has Created a Web of Deceit, Distrust, Destruction, and Corruption around Us!

And, "We" have to Acknowledge, and Distinguish between what Simply does Not Work from what "We" Need to Support and Give Strength to Our Earths Societies!
And, in Referring to Our Earths Societies, I am Differentiating between The Exclusive Parallel Universe of The Elite, The Capitalistic Oligarchs, The Royals, and The Invisibles from The Universe that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth Live in, and Work in, and Bring Our Children up in!
This is an Important Point for Us to Process, and Thoroughly Understand!

Its the Same Understanding that Capitalism without a Compassionate/Highly Principled, and Moral Code of Ethics will Not Work in Reality with A Democracy!

Without Compassion and Commitment to A World of Equal Opportunity and Fair Play by Capitalists, Greed and Lust of Power abound UN-Fettered, and UN-Restrained!
Devouring Everything, and Everyone in its Way! And, This is Not The Way To Peace!

"We" Need Caring and Nurturing Women and Men who are Culturally and Spiritually Evolved to Represent Us in these Difficult Times.

"We" Need Dedicated and Strong, Women and Men Of The People, For The People, and By The People," Citizens Of the Earth to Rise to Our Defense in Times of Trouble as The Women and Men Of Our Armed Services do, Fighting to Preserve and Protect Our Way of Life, and The Freedoms that Our Ancestors Gave their Lives for!

"We" Need New Heroines and Heroes "Of The People, For The People, and By The People," who Fear Not the Enemies Of Peace!

Who Fear Not The Leaders who would Lead Us Down The Path of Destruction!
Leaders who would Prey Upon Our Weaknesses for their Gain!
Leaders who send Our Children to their Deaths in Combat without Purpose or Reason, other than for their Hubris, and Profit!

"We" Need Women and Men of Enlightenment and Resolute Steadfastness, who will Not Bow their Heads to Anyone who is Not Forthright and Truthful!

"We" Need Women and Men who Understand that The Old Way of Doing Business Simply does Not Work anymore! The System does Not work without Bail Out after Bail Out! Leaving Too Many of Us, UN-Employed!

Where are The New Jobs in Technology!
And, Why is there Simply No Immediacy For the Concern of "We The People," By The IMF, By Our Governments, By The Institutions, By The Banks, By Wall Street, By The Insurance Industry!

Do "They" (the Infamous They) think that "We' are Expendable, or, that "We" Can Simply Wait until the Next Jobs/Stimulus Bill is Passed! Their Procrastination and Ineptitude's are Causing the Loss of Our Homes, and Our Livelihood!

"We" do Not Want to Hear Anymore of their Rhetoric and False Promises, (Especially when "They" are Campaigning)!
What "We" Need is Action! What "We" Need is Jobs! What "We" Need is an Honest Health Care System! And, Leaders who are "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

What "We" Need are Women and Men, who are Willing to Place Our Concerns above The Concerns of Big Business! Those so called "To Big To Fail Companies!"

And, if Our Children are to Fight in Wars, whether UN-Declared, or, Not, Let them Know that They are Fighting For World Peace, and Universal Equanimity, and Freedom For One and All, and Not for Oil, or, some Global Military Strategy that is Outdated!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers of The 20th, and 21st Centuries, Let Us Advance Our Cause of Humanity and the Lives of All Sentient Beings to Embrace and Evolve in A Natural State of Grace and Non-Violence!

Let Us Advance Our Earthrise Movement to Endorse A Peace Time Economy that Supports A Global Society, and World Employment that is Rich in Global Sustenance That One and All Can Share!

And, Let Our Earthrise Movement be All Inclusive, irregardless of what Race, Creed, or Nationality "We" May be!
"We" are All Born of this Earth! "We" are All Children of The Earth! This Sacred Earth, its Sea's, Skies, Shores and Universe, is Our Home!

And, Let Us Embrace Each Other as True Sisters and Brothers of One World!
And, Let Our Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century be Reflective of A World at Peace with itself!

There is still Much to Do, "We" have The Exploration of The Universe to Look Forward to, but, First "We" Must Learn to Live in Peace On Earth!
Let this be One of The Anthems, Mantras, and Amendments of Our United Peace Effort, and Global Soul Force!

And, Let Us Call Forth All of The Earths Warring Factions and Initiate a Proclamation For A Global Truce, and Peace Dialogue!

And, Let Us Reach-Out across The Endless Boundaries of The Internet, and The Cross-Media Universe and Spread The Word that its Time to Give Peace a Chance!
And, once again, Remember that, "We are The World" so, Let's "Come Together" in A New Peace Equation of The 21st Century, and Peace Configuration of The New Millennium!
And, Let Us Know in Our Hearts, Minds, and Souls, that "We" are Interdependently Marching on The Same Illuminated and Humanistic Path, as Mahatma Gandhi, Socrates, Mother Teresa, Confucius, Jesus of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Muhammad, Melchizedek Machiventa, Zoroaster, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, St. Francis of Assisi, and Lao-Tse!
And that, This is The Way To Peace, and A "Reason To Believe!"