Sunday, May 9, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXIV

I always find this Time of The Year to be Very Challenging. To make a Simple Analogy, The Weather is Warming up, and with it Less Apparel is being Worn by All The Sexes!
Its A Wonderfully Beautiful, and Sensual Season of Spring Time Distractions, that Portend Summer Vacations, and Time at The Beach, if you can Afford it!

Its A Wonderful Season of Distractions from The UN-Declared War in Afghanistan!

Its A Wonderful Season of Distractions from Thinking about All of The Women and Men of The Global Armed Forces still in Iraq!

Its A Wonderful Season of Distractions from Knowing about The Thousands of Young Women, Men, and Children who are Sex Toys, and Living in Illegal States of Human Bondage and Slavery!

Its A Wonderful Season of Distractions from Knowing that there are Millions of Us, "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, who are Still Living in Poverty, after Century upon Century has Gone by, without Recourse!

Its A Wonderful Season of Distractions from Feeling an Immense Frustration over The Rising State of Global UN-employment! Which has Risen to 9.9 in The U.S.

And then, there's The Wall Street Roller Coaster! Get on if You Dare!

And then, there is The UN-Civilized New Laws, and Rhetoric in The U.S. over Immigration.
Doesn't anyone Remember that "We" are All Immigrants! The only Natural Descendants in The Americas are The Native Americans! Everyone else, and I mean Everyone, is An Immigrant!

And then there's The News Media! Why do "They" have to Continuously Bombard Us with Negativity (Under the Guise of News)!
Whether its The National Network, Local, Cable, Print, or Satellite News, it doesn't matter, the first, second, third, fourth, and so on and so on, News items are All related to Violence, Destruction, Crime, or Religious and Political Scandals!
Even the Meteorologist slant on The Weather somehow Leads to being a Warning of Bad Weather to Come!
And, should there be A Sports Scandal, that would Make for A Perfect Newscast, of course, from "They're" Point of View! What Happened to The Great Tradition of Reporting the News as was Personalized by Walter Cronkite!

And, During an Election Year, or Leading up to One, The Distractions Come Fast and Furious with The Left Attacking The Right and Vice-a-Versa!

With the Candidates Making Promises that "They" Rarely Keep, and Being Seen in Photo-Ops to Impress Us, "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, with their Sensitivity and Humanity! And, of course, "They" try to Dazzle Us with their seemingly Total Concentration, and Concern about The Issues that Most Seriously Affect Our Lives!
Its always a Touching scene, unless your like soon to be Ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown of The UK, and you get Caught with Your Pants Down, as the saying goes, Making an Insulting, and UN-Called For Comment about Someone that You hope will Vote for You!

But, this Year The Distractions are Not Going to Win Out! Because, there is Too Much to Stay Focused on!
And, There is Too much to Speak-Out on!
The Issues of Concern are Too Severe, and Too Real to Ignore, or Procrastinate about!
For example, the Situation in Haiti has Not Improved Significantly Enough, to Not Continue Reporting on!

And, as a Matter of Fact, the Situation in Louisiana, since Katrina, has Not Improved Significantly Enough! And now, there is The BP Disaster to Threaten their Waters, Sea life, and Coast Lines! Along with Mississippi, and Florida!

And then, there's The UN-Declared Wars that Continue to Wage on and on!

And, The Continued Terrorist Threats that are Directed at "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, instead of Being Directed in Campaigns of Armed Engagements on Fields of Embattlement, where they should be!

There can be No Great Victory, or Act of Courage in Attacking The UN-Armed Women, Men, and Children of The World! These Acts of Intrusion, Can only be Referred to as being Shameful and Cowardly!

And, I Can Find No Satisfaction, or Pride in being Successful in The World of Business Affairs, while One Person is Living in Poverty, or Any Child goes Without Food, Clothing, A Proper Education, or the Possibility of Not having A Promising Future!

And, if You are A Millionaire, or, A Billionaire, You should be Thoroughly Engaged in, and Donating An Equal Amount of Your Financial Resources and Time Towards, The Elimination of Poverty, and Homelessness from The Face of The Earth!
For Every Hour that You Devote to Your Financial Affairs, and Towards Making a Profit, You should be Time Managing An Equal Hour of Time Devoted Towards Aiding Your Fellow Human Being, and The Earth!
And, Philanthropic, Spiritual, Humanistic, Cultural, and Universal Enterprises should be Your Main Focus!

And, the Leaders of The World Religions should be Living in The Midst of The People! And, Walking Hand in Hand with The People!
"They" should be Sharing their Meals, and Wealth with he People!
As Jesus did! As Gandhi did! As Mother Teresa did! As Lao-Tse, Siddhartha, Socrates, Zoroaster, Confucius, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Melchizedek Machiventa, Muhammad, and Saint Francis of Assisi did!
And it should be their Sacred Duty to, Speak-Out on Behalf "Of The People, For The People, and, By The People!"

And, This is The Time when those Amongst Us who are The Most Wealthiest in Spirit, and in Earthly Riches should Give Freely of Themselves, and then, Continuously Re-Invest even More so, to Establish a True Equanimity, and Prosperity For their Fellow Citizens, and The Earth itself!
To Give is To be Real! And, it is Time that UN-Reality became A Reality of Shared Empowerment, and Compassion for One and All!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peaceful Millennium! A Change Must Come! A Peace Change!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Not Allow The Over Saturation of The X's, or The Media Airwaves Distract Us from Our Goals of World Peace!

And, Let Us Not be Distracted from Sharing Moments of Quality with Our Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Colleagues!

For "We" are apart of A Great Earthrise! An Earthrise of Peace and Prosperity For One and All!

And, "We" Can Shake up The World!, "We" Can Change The World! For "We are The World!" A World Of The People, For The People, and, By the People!"

"We" are A World that Embraces The Life Forms of All Sentient Beings, and Respects The Majesty of The Earths Sea's, Skies, Lands, and Universe!
Let this be Our Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century!
And, Let this be The Anthem, and Mantra of Our Earth Proclamation For A Global Truce, and Peace Dialogue to Take Place Amongst All Warring Factions of The Earth!

And, Let there be No Stone left Unturned until "We" have Achieved Our Goals!
For "We are A Great Soul Force of Earth that Gathers No Moss!

And, Let No Ear be Left, Without Hearing The Word! And, No Eye be Left Without Seeing The Truth of Our Effort!
And, Let US Spread This Truth, and Words of Enlightenment, and Encouragement via The Global Internet, and Althrough-out The Cross-Media Universe that Our Time has Come!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!

And, Let there be No Distractions from Our Determination, and Pursuit of A Peace Everlasting! A Peace "Of The People, For The People, and, By The People," Citizens of The Earth!