Sunday, May 23, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXVIII

A Change Must Come! UN-Employment is Still at 9.9 in The U.S. and Globally its Not Much Better!
There are Approximately 100,000 U.S. Coalition-Led Troops in The UN-Declared War in Iraq!
And, Another 62,000 U.S. Coalition-Led Troops in The UN-Declared War in Afghanistan!

Does it Really Matter that"We" have a New Health Care Reform Bill?
Or, a New Financial Regulations Bill? Or, that Our Banks, Financial Institutions, and Automobile Industries have been Bailed Out? Yes!
But, What about UN-Employment, and The Fact that Our Daughters and Son's are Still In Iraq, and Afghanistan! When Will there be an End Result of these On Going Real Life and Death Issues?

And then, there's The BP Oil Spill! When Will there be an End to this Real Life and Death Disaster?

And then, there's The Drug Cartels in Mexico! Plus Threat's of, and Acts of Violence Made by Terrorists! Are "We" to Believe that this is the only Way that Civilized Men and Women of The 21st Century Can Resolve Their Differences?
Is Violence and The Threat of More Violence the only Recourse? What ever Happened to Diplomatic Efforts!

These Real Life and Death Issues Continue to Plaque Us, over and over, Without there being A Transcendental Vision Path to Encourage Us and Give Us Hope For The Future!

Where is The Vision Path "We" Need to Transcend The Philosophical, and Economical Divide that Exists amongst The Nations of This Planet Earth?
Without One, what do "We" have to Empower Us?

Its Obvious that "We" Need A Vision that Transcends The ISM's, and IST's that Presently Exist in Today's World of Politics and Finances!

Its Obvious that "We" Need A Vision Path that Transcends The News Headlines of Doom and Gloom!

And, "We"Need A Vision Path that Clearly Defines Who "We" Are and What Our Goals are to be, as A Global Populace, Citizens Of The Earth!

And, "We" Need A Vision Path that Gives Purpose and Commitment to Our Lives!
A Vision Path that Unites Us as A World of Interdependent Citizens Of The Earth!
An Earth "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

A Vision Path that Represents Us, One and All! For No One is An Immigrant on This The Third Planet from The Sun! "We" are All Citizens Of The Earth!

For Too Long "We" have been Mislead, Misguided, Manipulated, and Conditioned to Believe that Our Governments and Leaders had Our Best Interests in Mind!
But, The Truth is that "They" (The Infamous They) have Favored The Global Institutions, Banks, Financial Markets, and The Worlds Too Big To Fail Business Corporations!
And Now, that it is Obvious to One and All, "Where The Money" is being Prioritized and into Whose Hands it is being Allocated when Corruption and Chaos has Caused A State of Amorphous and Destroyed The Fabric of Our Earths Societies and Our Lives! It is All the More Obvious Why A Change Must Come!

"We" Need A Vision Path that Encompasses The Family Values, Social Mores, Security Needs and Financial Concerns of "We The People!"

A Vision Path that Inspires The Women and Men of Our Armed Forces!

A Vision Path that Inspires Our Police Department! Fire Departments and Civil Servants!

A Vision Path that Embraces and Cares for Those amongst Us who are Less Fortunate and Living in Poverty!

Fellow Citizens Of The Earth, A Change Must Come! A Vision Path Made Up of Trustworthy Women and Men "Of The People, For The People, and By The People," Must Become a Reality!

"We" Can No Longer Afford to Wait For Tomorrow, because, it is A Solar Axiom that Tomorrows Never Come! There is only "The Now!"

So, Let Us Act Now, to Change Our Destiny's from One of Financial Chaos and Political Unrest, to One of Global Equanimity, Peace, and A Shared Prosperity For One and All to Share! This is The Way To Peace!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let's Encourage One and All to Use Their Power of The Ballot Box, to Bring about A Peace Change!

Let's Encourage One and All to Non-Violently Demonstrate that A Peace Change Must Come!

And, Let Us, One and All, Challenge Our Leaders and Governments to Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to Declare The Advent of An Age Of Peace on Earth!

And, Let Our Earthrise Movement of Peace, Sow and Cultivate The Seeds of An Emancipation Declaration "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

And, Let Us Spread the Word via The Cross-Media Universe and Global Paths of The Internet, that Our Time has Come!

And, If Our Daughters and Son's Can Bravely Entrust and Lay Down Their Lives, on The Lines Of Battle Grounds on Foreign Shores all over this Earth of Ours, Fighting against The Foes of Freedom, Injustice, and Peace, the Least that The Religious, Spiritual, Financial, Military and Civilian Leaders of The Worlds Nations Can Do, is to Dedicate Their Lives, in return, to Preserve, Protect, and Serve "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth and The Lives Of All Sentient Beings of This Planet Earth, its Sea's, Skies, Lands, and Universe!
This is The Way To Peace, A Peace Economy, A Peace Millennium and A Peace Vision "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!," and A Great Soul Force of Hearts, Minds, Souls and Idea's that Can Not be Denied!

And, Remember "We are The World," Let's "Give Peace a Chance!"