Sunday, June 28, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Death, Life, and The Global News Media

If the Global News Medias Blitzkrieg focused, Their Spotlight, on the Genocide in DARFUR, Sudan, and The Congo, as They have Done Covering the Death of Michael Jackson, the World would see the Horrendous Situation that, Unfortunately, and Tragically, Continues to Exist there!

Michael was a Great Artist, there is Absolutely No Doubt of this, in any one's Estimation, However, I believe that He would be Shocked at the News Coverage, and Sensation, that His Death has Caused, in Relationship to the Lack of Coverage that Has been Given to The Genocide taking place in Africa.
It, seriously, makes me wonder what Value, the Global News Media places on the Lives of All Sentient Beings, or, One Nation of People living under a Violent State of Duress, and, or, the Survival of this Planet, Versus the Life, and Death of a Global Superstar?

And, Day in and Day out it still continues. I love seeing Michaels Videos and listening to His Music, But, is His life any more Precious than the Millions who have Died in Vain in DARFUR, Sudan, and The Congo?
I ask this Question , Because, it is Obvious that the GNM thinks so!
It is Obvious, By their Coverage of Michael's Death, that His Life is One Thousand Times More Valuable than a Whole Nation of Men, Women, and Children who have been Raped, Kidnapped, Displaced from Their Families and Homes, and, Killed at the Mercy of the Tyrants who Continue to Denigrate, Control and Subjugate them to whatever their Whims and Merciless Desires may be!

The coverage of Michael's Death, by the GNM, Dwarfs in Comparison, the News Coverage being Given to the Wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and the Global War on Terrorism!
Do They Care, Have They No Soul? Is the News just about Ratings, Celebrities, and Money? It would seem so!

Why haven't They Spoken out More Forcefully about the Concerns of "We the People?" Such as; Poverty, Homelessness, the Cost of Educating our Children, Healthcare, Environmental Issues that Threatens all of Our Lives, and Our Planets Survival, and, On and On the List of Our Concerns continues to Grow!
It Appears that the GNM would rather have us Exist in a World of Constant Turmoil, than Help us Live in a World of Global Harmony and Peace!

Voices of Reason, and Global Peacemakers who are Concerned with the Lack of Concern the Global News Media continues to Display, in Regards to The Plight of "We the People," of this Planet Earth, Make Your Voices Heard over the Din of a Global News Media that is Deaf, Blind, and UN-Responsive to the Cries of Children who are Defenseless to an Evil, and Soulless State of Depravity that Eats at Their Very Innocent, Hearts, Minds, and Souls!