Monday, June 8, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

New Millennium Vision Pt.VI
Report To The Nation (New Ideas)

It would be very helpful if President Obama gave a Report to The Nation, based on His Travels Crisscrossing this Beautiful Country, both from a Humanistic, and Political Point of View. Although Preferably Humanistic!

"We" have seen him Travel to The Middle East, and Europe, and give Deeply Heartfelt Speeches concerning His Feelings, from Concentration Camps to Islam, the Global Economy and Terrorism.
And, I sincerely Believe that it would be Very Revealing, and Helpful, to the Continued Growth and Evolution of The United States, if He gave a Report to The Nation from a Humanistic Point of View, Excluding Politics in Total.
This, of course, would be in addition to His Annual Report to The Nation Speech.

The Changes taking place in the U.S. need to be Experienced First hand, by our President, and then Reported Back to Us, so, that "We" can Understand the New Patterns Shaping our Lives more Clearly and Astutely.
And, "We" need a President who is both Articulate, Philanthropic, and more importantly, an Activist.
Yes, that means Actively Engaging Himself in Assisting us in Reaching and Achieving Our Goals, and Curing what Ails Us. Like a True Earth Doctor!
And, If He would like to help His Party Achieve their Goals, on our behalf, that would be helpful as well.

Why? Because, quite simply, "We" need Someone in the Tradition of Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, and Mahatma Gandhi, who Cared about "The People," and were Not Afraid to Go, wherever Necessary, to Be of Assistance to their Country Men and Women, and Fought the Good Fight against Injustice and Corruption.
And because,"We" need Universally Minded Individuals who are Intellectual, Spiritual, and Yes Political and Humanistic to Guide Us.
These would be Excellent Qualities and Guidelines for Leaders of The New Millennium!

Especially, Right Now, when I see Misguided Politicians Refusing to take Funds that could be of great assistance to their Constituents, for Political Reasons!
How can Governors Sanford and Palin Refuse one Dollar of The Stimulus Package, when there are Poverty Stricken Citizens who are in need of Financial Support to Survive, and Improve the Quality of their Education System, or Help Students and Parents who are in Debt, due to the ever Rising Educational Costs, they Must Endure! This is Not Humanistic Logic, to me, its Based solely on Old School Appearances, and Politics!

A Report to The Nation on a Monthly Basis, and Not Just when its Politically Convenient to do, would, also, be a Transparent and Sincere Approach to Communicate, and Provide Important Knowledge and Guidance on World Affairs, to The Public, while Demonstrating an Honest Attempt to Show The World that "We" are being Accountable for our Domestic and Global Policies, and Acts that our Government is Engaged in, and Promulgating.

It's Definitely Time for New Approaches to Solve the Myriad Problems that Face us, whether they be Global Terrorism, Education Costs, Poverty, Racism, or Ecology.
New Idea's should be Welcomed in the New Millennium if Change is Truly to Take Place, and Create a Global Environment, and Consciousness that is Genuinely Sincere and Trusting.

This is One Voice of Reason, who is Spiritually and Universally Minded, (as well as being an Empirical Peacemaker), Speaking Out at a Time when Voices of Reason are Truly Needed to Espouse a Way of Life that is Culturally, Scientifically, Technologically, Politically, Humanistic, and Educationally Advanced, If "We" are Truly to have Peace, and A Shared Prosperity for One and All in the New Millennium.

Together "We" can Build a Bridge of Peace and a Nexus of Harmony, that can Not be Destroyed or Manipulated by Sophists, for their False Purposes!