Saturday, June 13, 2009



Calling Planet Earth


It has taken me awhile to get around to using the Word Integrity as a Subtitle of UIGA, however, here it is, in All of its Glory and Significance!

When a Composer writes a New Song, each Note and Lyric is meant to have a Beautiful, and Masterful Sense of Integrity to it.

When an Artist Paints, and, or uses the Medium of Sculpture to Create a New Work of Art, They are Driven to Achieve the Inner Most Sincerity, and Integrity of the Subject Matter.

When an Arranger, or Conductor works on a New Composition, the Overall Movement, Ebb and Flow of the Material is of The Utmost Importance. Dramatizing as Purely as Possible each and every Emotion, and Detail, of The Piece in All of its Specificity.

When a Writer Conceives a New Project, whether it be for a Play, Screenplay, or Novel, They Strive to Tell a Story that Reaches Out to Touch our Hearts and Souls.

When, an Animator works for Countless Numbers of Hours to Perfect, and Create a Sequence of Animation that Expresses Their Vision and Storyline, a Sense of Integrity is Maintained althroughout.

I have grown up Admiring, and being Inspired by a Magnificent Nexus of Great Men and Women who, in many cases, Literally, Gave Their Lives to Create, or Motivate "We" Human Beings, each in Our Own Way, to Strive to Attain a Higher Quality of Life, that Embraced a Way of Life that Encouraged The Spirit of One and All.
The Beauty, and Gift of Their Sharing was Freely Given to, both, Enhance and Enlighten our Lives for Generations to Come.

So, You can Imagine how Disturbing it is to see the Bickering, and Politics as Usual Behavior amongst The Politicians, Not just in the U.S., but All over The World!

And also, in and Amongst The Global Media, where the Paparazzi, Commentators, Print, Journals, Magazines, Satellite, Network and Cable News Media only care about what the Bottom line is, which is Where is the Money, or What will Produce the Highest Ratings!

And, the Global Corporate Model for World Business is Lacking in Consciousness, Filled with Greed, and, Corrupt and Perverted by its Lust for Power.
And, Influenced by Control Minded Individuals whose Souls will Be Tarnished, and Tainted for an Eternity!

And lastly, although Not in the Least, there is The World Religions who Act more like Corporate Businessmen, and Women. Or, 15 Minute Celebrities, and Politicians, than Men and Women of God!
The Shame that They have Accrued is Endless!
Have They No Conscious, Have They No Soul, Or Respect for Their Fellow Man, or for Themselves! Where has Their Sense of Morality gone to!

The Lack of Integrity in Our World today, both, Shocks and Appals me!

So, it is Wonderful, and Inspirational when a Story, or Act of Valor is Reported!
Or, a Story that Truly Represents the Concerns of "We the People" is Reported, without Sounding like a Meaningless Public Service Announcement, that is given with the Minimal amount of Words, and the Least Amount of Lines, as Possible.

And, It Deeply Concerns me that Our Families are being Torn apart by a Lack of Respect, for One another.
And that, The Elderly, and, Grandfathers and Grandmothers, do not Fit in these Modern Times, at all.
Where Decades before They were Accorded a Certain Dignity, Now, They are Sent to Retirement Homes, or Assisted Living Environments.
They are, only, Given a Moments Celebrity when its Election Time, and Their Swing Vote is Needed!
But, Their Life of Service, Sacrifice, and Commitment to The Ideals and Principles of Our Way of Life is Disregarded, and Their Social Security is Constantly Threatened!

It is Time that "We" Seriously consider what Kind of Life "We" would like Our Future Generations to Inherit.
One that is Culturally, Scientifically, Technologically, Humanistically, Spiritually, and Politically Evolved, or One that is Severely Lacking! Lacking in Integrity!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers "We" are in Need of a True Change to Come, and Not just a Politically Correct One.
However, This Change will only Come, Through Our Being Wholeheartedly Committed to Give, at the Least, More then Two Hundred Percent of Our Soul Strength, and Energy to Achieve it!