Wednesday, June 10, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

The Growing Debt

The Federal Reserve has No Accountability, and is Non-Transparent! It has given out, atleast Two Trillion Dollars, and No One Knows where this Money has Gone to.
And now, The Obama Administration wants Congress to authorize another One Hundred and Eight Billion Dollars to be given to The IMF!

Where is this Money Coming From! The Fed? China?

This is getting Too Bizarre! The President has a Press Conference announcing His Pay as You Go plan (which Former President Clinton implemented during his Administration) and then, He asks Congress for One Hundred and Eight Billion to Give to The IMF.

So, once again I ask, Who is Paying for This New Bail Out? And, Why does President Obama, and His Administration, want to give it to The IMF?

Why? Because, this Time Around, The European Banks need Help, and Countries such as Latvia, and Most of the other Central, and Eastern European Economies are Rockin' 'N Reelin' from the Housing Bubble, which as "We" are all Aware of, went Pop!

So, Now Our Government is Bailing Out the Central, and Eastern European Banks and Financial Institutions, But using the IMF, as a Middleman, this Time!

It is an Inestimable Shame that The World Global Economy has been Wrecked by the Greed and Lust of the White Collar/Corporate World!
Maybe Not everyone Participated in this Catastrophe, But "They" knew what was going on, and No One Stopped it, until it was Too Late.

I would just like President Obama to tell Us the Truth, Not Half Truths, The Whole Truth!

Why? Because, He obviously expects an Open Check from Congress, in Dealing with the Economic Crises, that the Whole World is Faced with, and while I agree that He should be Sensitive and Compassionate to The Global Needs, I would, also, like The President to Do Something, more than what He has already done, to Eradicate Poverty in the U.S. Yes, Eradicate it! And, End it, for Once and All!

And, I do not want to hear that Our Government does not have the Money to do it. Because, its Obvious to everyone by Now, that Our Government (The Congress, and Federal Reserve) can come up with any Amount of Money needed for any Reason "They" Deem Important, to Them!

Well, Enough is Enough! Tell Us The Truth, if necessary in the Simplest Terms Possible, or Admit that "They" can Not do Their Job correctly and Resign!
So, "We the People" can have Representation that is Committed to Work on Our Behalf, and Not just for The Lobbyists, and Special Interest Groups!

If, Our Government is wants to Bail Out European Banks, and Institutions, Tell Us what "Their True Intention is! And then give Us a Powerful Reason Why "We" should Support them. This is a Government of The People, isn't it!

I do not understand after what this Country has been through, over the past year and a half, What it is that Our Government, doesn't get?

UN-Employment is ludicrously High! Americans are Living in Tent Cities!

Two Million Children are Living in Poverty!

Have "These Elective Officials" No Compassion, and No Heart for the Travails of Their Own Constituents, who Voted for them?

Small Towns all over The United States have been Warned that things could get even worst Economically!

Doesn't President Obama know this? Who is He listening to, it's certainly Not the Cries of "We the People" for Aid and Assistance, as yet Another Mother, and, or Father loses His , or, Her Job, or Their Home!

The Spending has gotten Way Out of Hand! Understand that Our Government is Spending at least a Billion Dollars a Month for the Escalation of War in Afghanistan, and Pakistan!

And then, Consider the Amount that has been, and Continues to Be Spent in Iraq, and The Global War on Terrorism, and You have to Ask, Who is Paying for This? "We the People?" China? Japan? Who?

And then, there is Healthcare Reform, which "We" Definitely are in Need of!

Does anyone in the Government have a Plan?

Is there a Clear Explanation of, where will the Money Come From?

Or, Will "They" simply Print it Up, as "They" have done before, to Pay for it?

Just Where does The Buck Stop! Because "We" are entitled to have an Answer, before "We" are given The Bill!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers there is Much to be Done, on Our Part.
"We" have to Continue to Ask Questions, and Demand Answers on Behalf of "We the People!"
Can Anyone Imagine the Magnitude of Debt that is Being Thrust Upon Us, Without Asking Us for Our Consent?

The System is Broken, However "We" should Not be asked to Pay the Price to Repair it! It just Doesn't Work!

Our Government should be Dealing with UN-Employment, Poverty, The Increase in the amount of American Citizens who are, now, Homeless, Healthcare, Social Security and the Ecology. These Issues should be Our Governments Primary Concern!

The Banks have been Bailed Out! How about a Helping Hand for "We the People!"