Thursday, June 18, 2009



Calling Planet Earth
New Millennium Vision Path Pt.VII
(Family Crises Looming Over The U.S. of A.)

You don't have to be a Visionary to see that there is another Crises Looming over The U.S.A, in the New Millennium!
Why? Because without a Coherent United Society, that is Evolving on a Evolutionary Path, the U.S. of A. will end up being a Grand Dream, that Never Awakens in the Twenty-First Century!

To be more Specific, the Serious State of Sociological, and Economic Conditions that Exist amongst Families in the U.S. are Forcing Changes in the Family Structure that is more than Dysfunctional, it is an Evolving Tragedy in the Making!

How can Children obtain the Parental Symbiosis, Love, Values and Ethics, Enduring Friendship and Joy filled Companionship, Inspiration and Sense of Being Here and Now, without having The Quality Time Needed with Their Parents!

As You are Acutely Aware of, Due to the Current Global Financial Crises, both Parents are Forced to Work, whether they want to or Not!
And, Sometimes They have No other Choice, but to Work at Two Jobs, at the same time, or Perform Double Shifts to Make Ends meet!
Simply put, to Pay their Bills, Buy Clothing, School Supplies, Food, and if Possible, alittle bit extra for Home Entertainment, or Buy a Toy for their Children, or...Go to A Movie, together!

To Dine Out, is Another Matter!
Why? Because first of All, Parents have to find a Trustworthy Sitter, for their Children, and then, Be Able to Pay them!
And then, Be Able to Afford to Pay for a Dinner, in a Pleasant Restaurant, with Good Service, and an Enjoyable Ambiance, and Menu that an Adult Married Couple would enjoy going to.

Dinner with Children is, Totally, Another matter. Why? Because of the Financial Crises and Sociological Behavioral Patterns that exist in these Modern Times.
We've become a Fast Food Society! It's Cheaper, Quick, and Conducive to the Way of Life, Today's Families are Drifting in.
And again, there's Very Little Quality Time Together! And, Unfortunately, if "We" continue on this Path it can only Lead Us further along into a State of Utter Dissolution!

I can not Stress this Point Strongly Enough, how Important it is that Our Families, from the Birth of their First Child, Must Spend More Time Together! Not just Quality Time! More Time!
More Time for Parents to Learn who Their Children are, and More Time for Children to Enjoy, and Learn from Being with Their Parents!
And while PBS, Daycare, and Nursery Schools are Important and Helpful, They are Not the Primary, nor should They be, the Primary Care Giver! Parents are!

But, the Question is, how can "We" Change this Pattern, when "We" continue to Live in a Broken System that Demands Forced Labor from its Citizens?

Most of Us are Working to Survive! "We" used to Work towards the Achievement of Our Goals in Life. Or, possibly even to Achieve a Dream that "We" Secretly Hoped for.
However, Today, a Job, Practically any Job will Suffice for the Majority of Us, and Hopefully, One with Benefits (that "We" can Afford!).

Is there any Surprise Why TV Programs such as "Millionaire," or "American Idol" have Formats that are Popular all over the World!

And, Because of the Scandals in the Church, and, in the Worlds of Politics, and Finance, there are Few Examples that Our Children can Look Up to.

This is Why the Idea of Change is so Important!
It has benefited President Obama, but, Unfortunately, it hasn't Benefited "We the People!"

The Obama Administration and The U.S. Congress talk about, and Debate over, the Need for a Healthcare System, but No One tells Us, How it's to be paid for.
In the Meantime, Tens of Millions of Americans do Not Have Insurance for Themselves or Their Families!
Canada has it! Europe and The United Kingdom has it! So, Why doesn't the Citizens of the United States have it?

We can Afford to Fight in Three Wars. Pay for the Construction, and continued Maintainance of the International Space Station. Bail Out The Banks, Financial Institutions, and Mortgage Companies, and Yet, They still Procrastinate over How to Pay for our Healthcare.

My Main Point is that Our families Need Help! Now!

If "We" do Not get the Assistance "We" Need, the U.S. will continue to Drift along as a World Power, but its Citizens will Suffer Greatly for it!
And the Price "We" will Pay is the Loss of Our Most Treasured Gift, which is Our Children, for Generation upon Generation to Come!
And, Family Life will continue to Be as Dysfunctional as it is Today! Only More so!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, I Implore You to Closely Examine this Looming Crises in the Making, because "We" have to Bring it to the Forefront of The National, and International Media, if there is to Be any "Real" Change in the Course of this Sociological Path of Destruction that "We" are Presently on.

Change Must Come for Our Mothers and Fathers, Brothers and Sisters, Grand Parents, Aunts and Uncles, Nieces and Nephews, and for Our Children, if "We are to Survive as a Family, a True Family of Humanity!