Thursday, June 25, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Where Is The Money? Pt. II

The World of Political Semantics, Lies, Rhetoric, and Sophists!

The U.S. Congress has, again, passed a Bill, the Emergency War Bill, to be exact, allowing the Obama Administration to Spend 106 Billion Dollars to Fight Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Incredible!

In addition to that, the Obama Administration has asked Congress to give them 108 Billion Dollars to give to the IMF, to Bail Out Banks, in Central and Eastern Europe.

And yet, Here in the U.S. of A. Poverty, and UN-employment continue to Grow at an Alarming Rate, and "We the People," who are The Backbone, and Heart and Soul of this Country, are Still Waiting for the Funds, that the Democratic Party Pushed through, and was Passed by Congress in the Last Stimulus Bill, Re-named the "Recovery and Reinvestment Act," (because of the Backlash of American Opinion against All of the Bail Outs) To Be Released!

The Banks have been Bail Out, The Financial Institutions have been Bailed Out, The Mortgage Companies have been Bailed Out, I could Go On and On, however, my Point is, when will the Obama Administration get the Point, that its "We the People," the Citizens of the United States of America, who are in Need of Financial Assistance!

What Kind of Change is this?

And, Who is in Charge of this Inept Money Management in the U.S. Government?

Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner? The Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke? White House Economic Advisor Larry Summers? President Barack Obama (of course not)?

And, Who is Overseeing the Distribution of the Funds from the Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

And, I thought that Vice President Biden was Overseeing the Distribution of Funds to Help the Middle Class? Well, Where is the Money!

It seems, to me, that Everything has Changed, and Yet, It All Appears to be the Same ole Same Ole, and, as usual, Nothing gets Done Result!

It, also, Appears that Incompetence and Greed has Eaten Away at the Financial System, and the U.S. Government, to such a Degree that it is An American Tragedy that Continues to Permeate, and Have an Intolerably, Negative Affect on All the Lives, and Families of "We the People!"

I, sincerely, Believe that it is Time for Extraordinary Measures to Take Place!

It is Obvious that "We" need, Not exactly a Kitchen Cabinet, but something similar in the World of Privatization, more like "A Living Room Evolutionary Group of Important Personages," to Come Forth, and Bring about the "Real Change" that is Needed in the U.S.

A "Real Change," that is the "Real Thing," this Time around, to Make a "Real Difference" in Our Lives.

A Difference that can Save Lives, Save Homes, and Save the Fate of Our Future Generations, from Inheriting an Insurmountable World of Debt, and a Malaise of the Spirit that is UN-Imaginable!

So, I Call Forth all The Power Brokers to Act on Our Behalf. On behalf of "We" the People", Not just to Talk the Talk, but, to Walk a Mile in Our Shoes, and Do Something!
"They" have the Money, Power, and Influence to Move the Global News Media, to Focus, their attention on The Plight of "We the People", and even More Importantly to Focus the Global Governments to Once and For All, Erase Poverty, Totally, from the Surface of this Planet!

And Maybe, even Put an End to this Endless Cycle of War that the U.S. has Embarked upon! Remember, the War in Iraq had nothing to do with our War on Terrorism, it was the previous Administrations Personal Vendetta against Sadam Hussein!

Too Many Lives are Being Lost! Too Many Tears have Fallen, and Continue to Fall like a Macro Cosmic Monsoon that is Drenching the Whole World in its Wake!

So, this Blog goes out to Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, The Rockefeller's, Oprah Winfrey, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Barbra Streisand, Bono, Former President William Jefferson Clinton, and All of the Members of The Global Billion Dollar Club, and Global Celebrities, Come Together (as John sang) and, Act on Behalf of "We the People!"

"We" can Not Afford to Wait until Another Year goes by! The Mantra "We" need to Sing Over and Over is, "Act Here and Now!" This what "We" all need to Sing to Bring about a Real Change, and Hope to The World!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, whomever You May Be, Make No Mistake, the Time to Act, Peacefully, and Forcefully is Now!