Monday, June 22, 2009



Calling Planet Earth


When I think of the Great History that "We the People" have Inherited as American Citizens, it Shocks, Appals, and Amazes me!

Now, I am a Spiritual Empiricist, and a Student of History, so, You can Imagine how I felt when the U.S. Senate, finally, Apologized to African Americans for Kidnapping their Ancestors, and Bringing them to this Country, and then Enslaving them! Immediately, I thought, to myself, its about time!

But then, I began thinking more and more about this Tragic Subject, of Slavery, and it Deeply Disturbed me.

Why? Because an Apology just doesn't do it, for me. It may be a Good First Step, but, it definitely is not Sufficient Enough to Qualify as Being a Genuine Apology!

Why? Because of All the Images that Flowed through my Minds Eye, of the Millions of Men and Women, and Children whose Innocent Blood is, Now, Forever Mingled in with the Sacred Earth of this Land. And, Oh the Shame of it!

Yes, The U.S. of A. is, still, a Very Young Nation, in Relationship to the World, However it is Necessary that "We" take Time to Process, Learn from, and Purge Ourselves of the Bloodied Past, that "We" have, Unfortunately Inherited.

And, before "We" can Learn From Our Past Experiences, First of All, "We" have to Be, in Detail, Apprised of it! And Taught it, without Diluting, or Censoring it.

So that, Each and Every American Citizen, can Find out for Themselves, the Answers that will Propel them, Together, as a Great Soul Force, and Society into The Future.
This is Important if "We" are to continue on a Path of Being a Purposeful, and Sincere Nation of People! It will, also, Help us to Build Character, in Ourselves, based on Solar Axioms!
And, it will Help Balance Out all the Fluff that "We" have been Taught in School!

When You realize that Women were, only, given the Right to Vote August 26, 1920, You realize, just, how Slow the U.S. Government has been to Grant Equal Rights to All of its Citizens, No Matter what Race, Color, Gender, or Creed!

And, It is of the Utmost Importance for Those of Us, whose Ancestors were Enslaved, Raped, Murdered, Assassinated, and Given No Hope for Survival, unless By Existing in a Subservient State of Being, Be Given an Opportunity to Purge Themselves of this Negative State of Unconscious/Mental State of Conditioned Reality.
And lastly, an Open Discussion of Our Countries History, Should be Taught, and Discussed in Schools, and, of course, in Our Homes!
Then "We" as a People can Truly begin to Take, One, of the Many Small Steps needed to Make a Quantum Leap in Our Sociological, Intellectual, Universal and Spiritual Development, and Evolution into The New Millennium!

Voices of Reason, Teachers, Parents, and All who are Peacemakers, and Conservators of this Planet Earth, can "We" Remain Quiet in this Time Period, When The Need for Knowledge is so Very Important? No, "We" Can Not!
Speak Out, and Stand up for Truth, Peace, Harmony, and a Way of Life that Embraces All Sentient Beings!