Thursday, June 4, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

How Is It Possible?

Yesterday, I was thinking about How Precious each Newborn Child is, and, in Light of that, How is it Possible that Any Child, No matter What Race, or Religion They may Be, can Be Deprived of the Proper Nourishment, Education, or Parental Guidance, Care, and Supervision they may be of need of, in Their Lives?
Having written that, then How is it Possible that there are Homeless, Abused, and Poverty Stricken Children Living in the U.S. and Al through-out this World of Ours?

If You have ever Held a Child in Your Arms, and I'm Sure that Most of You Have, You Know how Trusting and Loving They Are.
So, How is it Possible that Their Trust and Love can Be Betrayed?

If You have ever Fed a Newborn Child, and Admired it's Growth and Development, As it Evolved right before Your Eyes, then, How is it Possible that Any Child should Starve or be Deprived of the Valuable Nourishment it Needs to Survive?

And, if You've been a Parent, or have Family Members, and, or Friends who are Parents, then, How is it Possible that Any Child can be Sold into Child Slavery, Kidnapped, or Physically, Spiritually, and Intellectually Abused by An Adult?

Who would Deprive a Child from Growing up and Evolving into a Vibrant, Aware, and Enlightened Young Man, or Young Woman? Who would Prevent them from Having an Opportunity to Enjoy a Future of Limitless Possibilities, and Potential?

And, What Tyrant, or Dictator would do this to An Innocent, and Unsuspecting Child?

Unfortunately, there are such Individuals, whom I refer to as being The Ugliest of All Humankind, who can Be Found Living in Our Towns, Villages, Cities, and Respective Countries from All Over The World.
And, Unfortunately, as in Sudan, DARFUR, The Congo, and even In the Midst of the Major Western Industrialized Nations of this Planet, there are Too many of these Individuals who go Unpunished, or are Allowed to Go Unhindered, from Continuing to Do their Evil Acts upon Our Children, and Destroy their Lives in the process.

Yes, "We" have Laws to Punish these Individuals, and Crime Cartels, But much Too Often these Laws exist only Too Punish "Selective Criminals" of No Real Consequence.
And, there are Too Many Individuals, who exist Above The Law of The Land, who are Allowed to Continue their Destructive, and Evil Acts without Restraint!

"We" Need Just Laws, and Just Leaders to Enforce these Laws Fairly!
"We" need Inspired Men and Women to Come Forth and Speak Out on Behalf of The Defenseless!

This is The Twenty-First Century, can "We" Continue to Condone and Empower these Individuals, whose only purpose in Life is to Abuse, Misuse, Destroy and Attempt to Conquer those who are Powerless to Protect, or Defend Themselves?

If "We" do Not Do Something, If our Respective Leaders do Not Begin to March in Step with the Worldwide Populist Movement that can No Longer Endure these Atrocities to take place in Their Respective Countries, and in Their Lives, "We" will be Tainted and Shamed by these Individuals Acts and Transgressions for Millennium after Millennium to Come!

"We" need A Moral Change to Take Place, A Moral Change that Benefits One and All, No Matter how underprivileged One May Be!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers let us Sing in Chorus with One another, a Hymn, of Peace and Prosperity, A Hymn of Equanimity for All Sentient Beings, and for This The Third Planet from The Sun, called Earth!