Monday, June 1, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

And, The Dance Continues, However, Who's Leading Whom?

And so, the Battle over Judge Sonia Sotomayer's Nomination to The Supreme Court continues. You would think that with Re-election coming up, Republicans would be more concerned over Issues that are the Bread and Butter issues, to the American People, literally.

Such as; College Graduates, and Their Families are Immediately Placed in Deep Debt during and after Graduation. Isn't there some way to ease the financial Debt of American Families who have Dreamed of Their Children, one day, Graduating from College, who are then Faced with the Reality of such an Accomplishment?

And, I wonder Why are Republicans are So Aghast over President Obama going to a Broadway Show with His Wife, or shaking hands with President Hugo Rafael Chavez?
Would they prefer He went to a Broadway Show with a Mistress? Of course not, its the Money Issue, isn't it?
Not Really, although its True that, it will cost American Citizens one million dollars, and that could Feed Alot of Homeless Children, and Their Parents.
But, its quite simply another Feeble attempt, on Their Part to Discredit him.

However, where do The Republicans stand on The Homeless Issue?
I do not hear Former Vice President Cheney, or The Republicans, in General, Making any Statements in regards to how to Solve the Growing Poverty, in the U.S.
And then, There's the Hand Shake that Rocked The World. I really wonder what Age "We" are Existing in, when A Hand Shake can generate more Headlines than The Escalation of The War in Afghanistan/Pakistan, where the Children, and Parents of American, and Coalition Families are Dying Everyday.

And, Why does The National, Regional, and Local News Media Continue to Provide Prime Media Coverage for News Items that Deserve about One Second of Our Consideration, to begin with?
And The News Media wonders Why, "We" are Turning Them Off, and Not Buying Newspapers.
And, the Tabloids are a Complete and Total Disgrace to Journalism!

If there is to be a True Improvement in The Quality of Life in The U.S., Farmers should not have to Worry about losing Their Farms.
In most Cases, Farms that have been in their Family for Generations.

Or, Automobile Workers, who's Families were Instrumental in Manufacturing Weapons, in Previous World Wars, and Global Conflicts, who were the Ultimate Patriots then, Should Now have to Worry about Their Survival, Now.

And, It should Not be the Responsibility of "We the People" to Bail Out Banks, and The Financial Institutions Without Some Real Recompense.

There is a Real Story waiting to be Uncovered, in regards to Exactly what "We the People" will be receiving from the Government Bail Outs!
For a Simple Example, When You Purchase Stock, You know what you will be Making on the Profit End, Correct?

Well, Has anyone Disclosed Exactly what "We" are Receiving from The Bail Outs? In Concrete Figures! Whatever Happened to Accountability, and Transparency!

If the Quality of Life is To Be Improved in The U.S., Single Parents, Who Work Hard at Making Ends Meet, who are Working at Two Jobs, or Double Shifts, and Struggling to Provide the Basic Needs for Their Families, Have to Receive a Larger Piece of The American Dream.

And, its No Easier for Married Couples, Who are Working Too Many Hours a Week, to Provide the Essential Needs that Their Children Need to Grow Up in a Healthy State of Body, and Mind.

How is it Possible for Teenagers to Formulate a Clear Awareness of What is Right, or Wrong, when They see Their Parents at The Bottom of The Totem Poll, and the Corporate CEO receiving an Inordinate Amount of Salary and Bonuses?

And The Elderly, Who are Constantly being told by Politicians that Their Social Security is in Jeopardy, after Working for a Lifetime to Make Sure that They will Retire in Dignity, and Enjoy the Latter Years of Their Life, How can They Be the Beneficiaries of The American Dream that They Worked All Their Lives to Achieve, and Share with Their Children, under this Constant Threat?

So, When your Elective Official Comes Home, in August, to Enjoy his or her Vacation Remind Them of What Their Elective Duties are!
And that, if They expect to be Re-Elected They will Have to Work for it!
And that means, Work for "We the People," after all "We" are Their Employers! Something "They" seem to Take for Granted far Too Often!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, Wherever and Whenever it is Possible, Speak up, and Bring up The Issues that are of Personal and Global Significance.
This Planet's Survival Depends on You!