Thursday, May 28, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Without "We the People" Change Can Not Be!

And, as if right on cue, the Bickering continues amongst the Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. Congress, and amongst their (and I use this phrase very lightly) Respective Advocates and Associates.

And, what is the Reason, for it, this time? Its President Obama's choice for The Supreme Court. And why? To be more Explicit, because she's of Hispanic Heritage, and, of course, a Woman.

And, these are our Elective Officials, who are supposed to Represent "We the People," Citizens of the United States of America. Which is, In Truth, A Land of Immigrants. Can you Imagine What Native Americans must be Feeling.

And so, as if on cue, you can rely upon the U.S.Media to Jump on this News Story as if it is the Most Important Issue facing the American Public, or The World.
They are so easily Manipulated by One Spin or Another, and this is after Years of, Literally, being Played by One Political Party, or Another.
Historically, the Facts Bear this out.

So, when will "The Media" grow up, and Learn from "Their" Past Experiences?

And, when will the Senators, and Congressmen and Women of The U.S. Congress grow up, and Learn from "Their Associates," Past Experiences, and Historical Data?

As, I stated in the previous UIGA Blog, subtitled;" To What Degree do We Respect One Another," this is the Time for Inspirational Leaders to Step Forward, and Make Headlines that Reflect the Needs of "We the People!"

Because, Unfortunately, it has Become Obvious, that "We" can Not Rely upon The U.S. Media.

And, "We" can Not Rely upon our Elective Officials.

And, "We" can Not Rely upon Religious Groups, and their Hierarchy.

And, "We" can Not Rely upon A System that is Broken, and does Not Work for, or Benefit "We the People," it only Benefits those who are in Power, and "Their Constituents.

"We" must Remember that "We" voted for Change, in the last Election.
However, "We" are The Real Change that has to take place, Now!

"We" are The World! And, "We" are The Heart and Soul of The Earths Societies!
And, "We" Represent The Hopes and Dreams of Generations to Come!

It is Not President Obama, who is The Agent of Change, "We" are!
And, without us Change can Not Be a True Reality!

And, in regards to Supreme Court Nominee Sonia Sotomayer, I Wish you Good Luck. The United States is a Great Country that Needs Unbiased Leadership that Truly Represents The Laws of The Land, and "We the People!"

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, whomever You maybe, and in whatever Profession You are Employed in, it is your Inspired Leadership, and Guidance that is Needed. If "We" are Truly to Build a Bridge of Peace that can Not Be Destroyed, and a Nexus of Equanimity on this Planet Earth that is Everlasting, You must Make Your Voices Heard, Now! Speak out, and Stand up, in The Name of All that is Truly Sacred and Holy, and for The Survival of This Planet Earth! The Third Planet from The Sun!