Wednesday, May 13, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

A Simple Walk

Today, I decided to take a Walk to work. It is a Beautiful Spring Day with Flowers Blossoming, and Leaves appearing in a Wonderful Flourish of Colors.
And while I was engaged in this very pleasant experience I began singing, as I usually do, a song that I composed, called "Share with Me."
It has a Spiritually Utopian Lyric to it; "Share with me All of the Joy of Being, Yes, Being Alive and Free, and Living in Harmony." And, there is a Release that was one of the Prayer/Meditations that Mahatma Gandhi used to say, the English Approximation is "Lead us from Unreal to Real, Lead us from Darkness to Light," and, "Lead us from Death to Immortality."

And, As I was Admiring the Creative Beauty of this Spring Day, Slowly but Surely, I began thinking about the Fifteen Thousand Children Sleeping in Homeless Shelters, in New York City, and the Millions more who are Living in Poverty, in the U.S. (the Worlds most Powerful Democracy), and then, the Thousands of Young Men and Women who have Given their Lives, and Limbs, to Fight in One War, that was Started on a False Premise, a Second War, that the U.S., supposedly won, that is now engaged in a New Spring Escalation (Authorized by President OBama, who Campaigned as a Peace Candidate, and his Administration) and a Third War on Global Terrorism.
I had to stop myself Mid Way to my Destination and say to myself, "Is it possible that I can no longer take an Pleasant, Relaxing, Mind Clearing Walk on a Beautiful Spring Day, without Thinking about these Disturbing Thoughts?"
My answer, to myself, was No, I can not!

However, I tried, again, to Cast Out these Disturbing Thoughts, because, I felt that I should be able to Enjoy taking a Simple Spring Walk to work, and then, my mind began to Dwell upon Global Warming, and is Anyone really listening to Al Gore, and then, my mind began to Reflect on Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Fires, and Hurricanes, and the many Families who were left Homeless due to these Natural, or Man Made Catastrophes.

Now, in general, I consider myself to be a Peaceful, Nature Loving person, However, you can see that my Beautiful Spring Walk was Slowly but Surely, slipping away from me.
And, then, I began Thinking About the Plight of Children growing up on this Planet, who are at Times Sex Objects, or Ignored until they Commit an Offense against the Same Society that Ignored them to begin with.

And then, there's The Biased, (one way or another) Global Media who Have Forgotten that "Their Job" is to Report The News, and Not Spin it however "They" Feel is the Best Way to improve their Ratings, or increase Their Sales (in desperation).

And so, Here I am Sharing with You some of my Concerns about This New Millennium.
A New Millennium That I thought was to Be a Culturally, Technologically, Scientifically, Spiritually, and Philosophically Evolved Time Period!
An Age of Peace!

And, Not an Age of Endless Wars, Endless Poverty, and Endless Corporate Corruption and Greed, and Endless Immorality in The Worlds of Politics, and Religion.
It is very hard for me to understand Why, the Leaders of The Worlds Religions are Not Making Their Voices Heard above the Din of Lies, Falsehoods, and UN-Ethical Behaviour by Those Who are in Power.
Their Silence only empowers the Leaders who are Committing Genocide, and Killing their own Citizens without Recompense. Do we need to Re-Experience the Holocaust over and over again, before the United Global Nations Stand Up in the Name of Justice, and Stop these Atrocities!
Or, Will The New Millennium be Known as "An Age of Illusion and Transgression?"

One thing for sure is that if "Change" is Truly to Come, and, A New Spring To Dawn upon this Earth, A New Dawn of Peace and Prosperity for One and All, "We" will have to Stand Together, and Build a Bridge of Peace that Will Survive the Rising Tides of Destruction, Chaos, and Evil Intentions that are Set upon Dominating, Manipulating, and Consuming Our Spirits and Souls. .

Voice of Reason, and Peacemakers, Will You Remain Silent in the Midst of this War against our Souls, and Senses. Will You Remain unCaring while our Planet is Polluted and Ravaged?
"We" can Make a Difference, but "We" must Act Now! Make Your Voices Heard in the Name of Peace!