Thursday, May 7, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

A Peace Change-Pt. I

(Observation & Determination)

I think what may end up being one of the most Disturbing Realities of this New Millennium is The Loss of Our Cultural Backgrounds, and Familial Memories.
The Major Film Studios next Sequel just isn't Sufficient Enough to Build a Bridge from the Twentieth to the Twenty-First Century.

Families are Existing in a Dysfunctional State, with Children being Forced to Leave Their Homes, and Neighborhoods, where They grew up, to Seek Employment somewhere else. And, Day Care has Replaced the Care and Growth that only a Mother and Father Can Provide.

In the Past Neighbors used to Invite each other, to Their Back Yard Barbecues, and Birthday parties.
And, everyone knew the Local Policeman, and, Most Families had
Long Lasting Relationships with Their Local Bank Representatives.
And, just about everyone Knew Someone, or had at least One Relative who was Working at The Post Office, or Fire Department. Or was a Sanitation Person.

It sounds like "A Wonderful Life," which is One of my Favorite Films, doesn't it.

However, from the Sixties to the Mid Seventies, was Where the State of Dis-Solution of, what was then, The Modern World began.

Yes, of course, in Fact it had begun Growing Centuries before, However, it Culminated, and Seriously began to Fall Apart with the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and then, Martin Luther King, Senator Robert Kennedy, and let's not forget the Tragic Deaths, by Assassination of Medgar Evers, and Malcolm X.
The U.S. Society became Fractured, and that's to Say the Least.

And Yes, it did Rebound to a Certain Degree, However, Something was Always Missing, It's Soul was Struggling to Re-Emerge as a Clear and Illuminating Presence, that "We the People" could, once again, Feel Proud of.

Yes, the U.S. is a Great Country, with Limitless Potential to it, and A Beautiful One as Well!

However, if "We" are to Be an Effective, and Strategic World Power/Leader "We" need to Exemplify much more than what, our Previous President, President George Bush's Administration Created. "They severely Damaged our Image in the Hearts of the World, and, in The Hearts and Souls of Americans Living at Home, and Abroad.

Our World has Seen Too Much Conflict, it wants Fervently to Pursue a New Course, One of Peace and A Shared Prosperity by One and All. Ask anyone from Denmark to Ireland, or from Africa to Asia.

Yes, there will Be Extremists, However, If All of This Planets Nations, Sincerely, Join Together, "We" can Build a New Consensus, A Peace Consensus Built on A Moderation of Idea's to Bring about A New World Living in Equanimity.

And, There will Be No Room for Poverty, or Racism in this New World. There will Be, only, A Place at The World Nations Table of Peace for those who Believe in, and Desire Living in an Ideal, Universal State of Being.

If "We" can Commit the Most Horrible Atrocities Known to All Human Kind, then, there is No Reason Why, if "We" have the Soul Strength to do it, "We" can not Create the Opposite. A Thriving State of Existence where Each and Everyone of us would live in Peace and Harmony. A Planet, Existsing like a Single Organism, Living in Peace and Harmony with itself, and The Universe that it is a Part of.

"We" have Done this Before, in The Past, and, "We" Can Do it Now, and in The Future. The Next Generation Depends on us.

Yes, it is Time for "A New Change," to Emerge from The Genocide and Tragedies that Have Taken Place in Africa, and through-out The Middle East, Asia, North, and South America, and Europe.

A Peace Change!

Voices of Reason and Peacemekers Make Your Voices Heard, Stand Up, and Speak out in the Name of Peace!