Thursday, May 21, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

The Show Must Go On/Politicians Have No Shame Pt.I

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the Former Vice President of the U. S. Challenging President OBama and his Administrations ability to Protect and Defend The United States of America?

The Question is; Why is He Doing this?

If he Truly Represented a Vibrant, Virtuous, and Strong Populist Movement, and had an Unblemished Record in Politics, then I could More thoroughly comprehend what his Motives are.
However, since that definitely is not the case, What are his Motives?

These are without a doubt Strange Times, However, One thing for Sure is that,
For Better or Worst, "We" are involved in 3 Wars, and it is Definitely not The Time for, Politics as Usual Behavioral Tactics to Be used by The Former Vice President.

If, he Represented a Global Peace Movement, and was Speaking Out against President OBama's decision to Escalate the War in Afghanistan/Pakistan, that would be an Impressive Demonstration of Sensitivity, and Commitment to World Peace. But, since "We" are aware that is Not the Case. What is his Motivation?
Besides, what Peace Movement would Trust, or Want him on their Team.
Would You?

So, Could it Be, that the Former Vice President is a little concerned with how he is going to look to Historians, and to Our Future Generations? Most likely!

Let's Face the Facts, he is Aware that he could be brought up on Charges that he was the Main Author in Initiating, and Overseeing the Torture of Prisoners of War, and Breaking of The Geneva Accords. So, I suppose there is Good Reason for his Negative Behaviour, at least from his Point of View. Could he be Feeling Threatened? Quite Possibly!

However, this Distraction"We" Definitely do not need. For one simple Reason, it Distracts The Global News Media from Focusing on Real Issues that concern "We the People,' such as; Poverty, War, the Struggling Economy, UN-Employment, Ethnic Cleansing in The Congo, and, DARFUR.

And, "We" need the U.S. Congress to Stay Focused, especially as Summer approaches, "They" will, of course, Want to Take Their Paid Vacations.

Is Anyone Listening to The Cry of The Homeless?

Is Anyone Listening to The Elderly, Who are Deeply Concerned about Losing Their Social Security, after a Lifetime of Service?

Is Anyone Listening to The Cry of Future Generations, Who Want to Live in Peace, and Do not Want to Inherit a System that is Corrupt, and Biased?

And, "We" don't have Time for the Former Vice Presidents Petty Indulgences.
He had his Opportunity to Improve The Quality of Life for Every American Citizen, and Failed Miserably!

Enough is Enough. Let's give him Whatever Severance Pay he's entitled to, and Leave him to his Oil Cronies Pleasures.

The Time that "We" have is Needed to Construct a New Millennium Built upon A Platform of Peace, Scientific Achievement, and Technological, Spiritual, Humanistic, Philosophical, Cultural, and Highly Moral Political Evolutionary Themes, that Mirror Planetary Anthems of, One World Living in Equanimity, and A Shared Prosperity for One and All. And for the Survival of Our Earth.

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers who Cherish this Planet, and its Citizens, do not be Distracted or Dismayed by False Prophets, and Egocentric Politicians.

Make Your Voices Heard over the Din of Hypocrisy and the Outright Lies that have been Told to Us.
Stand Up and Speak Out for the Principles and Beliefs that "We" Believe to be Sacred, and, in the Name of World Peace Now!