Monday, May 18, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Another Day in the Life As The Wheel of Life Goes Round 'N Round

Hot Spots

Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Palestine, Israel, The U.S. Economy, The Global Economy, Poverty in The United States, The Need for A National Health Care System that Works (For All Americans), Our Social Security is Once Again, being Threatened, Child Abuse, Child Pornography, Women Slave Trade (Does Exist), Drug Cartels, Corporate Greed, Politics as Usual ("Once again its the Democrats, and Republicans Playing Political Games and Trying to Prove who's Best. And, Once again, its at the Expense of its Citizens, who have lost their Homes and Jobs, while Politicians Create Even More of a Mess.") and War!

This sounds like a Verse in one of my Compositions called, "Media Blitzkrieg.

And, Yes, its just, Another Day in the Life, As The Wheel of Life Goes Round 'N Round."

During my Travels, in Europe, Friends and Acquaintances, both, who had lived in Africa (and Loved it!) Now, referred to it, as The Death Continent.

How True and How Tragic! Sudan, DARFUR, The Congo, continue to be a Horrific Example of what Human Nature can Be.

I have expressed this Sentiment before, but, How can The Global United Nations Permit this Genocide to Continue!
Have "They" No Conscious, Have "They" No Solace, Have "They" No Soul!

We have all heard the Statistics, about Young Boys being Kidnapped from their Families and then Forced into Military Service, and Young Girls Rapped, and Sold into Slavery. This goes on Daily Without an End insight.

This would not Happen in the U.S. (although Kidnappings and Murder do occur Far too Frequently for the Leader of the Industrialized Global Nations), or Europe.

The Question for Today is this; Why does there Appear to be, A Selective Abuse,
or Selective Victim System that is Tolerated by The Major United Global Nations?

I have been asking, myself, this Question for Quite Awhile.

Why? Because it just doesn't make Sense. How can this be Happening in The Twenty-First Century?

And, also Because the World Powers have stood up against Tyrants and Dictators in The Past, and actually, in the Near Present. So, Why are "They" allowing This Genocide to Continue?

Selective Victims? For what Purpose? For what Greater Good?

I am So Offended, and Shocked that Ethnic Cleansing is being Condoned by The United Global Nations. "They" Empower it by "Their" Lack of Concrete Action to Put an End to These Acts of Genocide. Have "They" No Conscious, Have "They" No Solace, Have "They" No Shame!
And, We are The Witnesses to this Abomination that History will Record as One of The Most Shameful Periods in Our Lives!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Speak Out, You Can Make a Difference!