Monday, May 4, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nuclear Power, Nuclear Energy,
& Poverty-The New State of Dis-solution and Shame

The Razzle & Dazzle Show, in Washington, Continues with more Press Conferences, and New Polls showing that the Public Continues to look favorably on the New Administration, However, the State of Homelessness Continues to Leave a Scar upon the U.S. Democracy.

Can you Imagine Families are Living in the Streets, in Tents, and, Living in the Backs of their Cars! These are American Families who can No Longer Afford to Pay Their Mortgages and , have Lost Their Homes.
Americans who can not Find Employment, who have Lost Their Savings due to the Financial Crises.

Where are the TARP Funds?

Where are the Billions of Dollars, Passed by the Congress, in Two Stimulus Packages?

How long do these Citizens have to Wait, before Someone comes to Their Aid?

Who is there to Protect them from Harms way?

Is anybody Listening to Their Cries for Help?

What is the U.S Government doing about this Tragedy?

Understand, that No one in the Civilized World can Imagine this Happening, in The U.S., with the Exception of the Enemies, and Protagonists of America.
Why are there So Many Citizens Living in Poverty, and, How is it Possible that there are Two Million Children Living in Poverty in the U.S.

I would like to ask Andersen Coopers One Hundred Most Influential People to Join Together (which would Cause an Immediate Media Blitz) and Force The World Leaders, and Power Brokers, to Do Something about this Catastrophe.

"We" can not turn a Blind Eye to this Unendurable Situation any Longer.

And,Why Is there such A Lack of Concern about it amongst the Global Clergy?

Why aren't Religious Leaders Speaking Out
more Forcefully, and Frequently?
This is not the Time to Remain Quiet, or Maintain a Low Profile.
Its Time to Come Forth, and Speak Up. Its Time to Stand Up for those who are Less Fortunate.
There is No Reason for One Child to Go without a Meal, or a Proper Education, or Healthcare in the U.S., or The World 'We" live in.

I can not Imagine Mahatma Gandhi, or Martin Luther King Remaining Quiet!

And, Can you Believe that there is a 15% rise in Homelessness, in the U.S.

And, its not the Recession that's Causing it, it s a Lack of Caring by our Elective Officials, who sit in their Committees and Do Nothing.
What I call Their "Do Nothing Policy!"

And, Imagine, The U.S. Government plans to spend Billions of Dollars, a month, in the New Escalation of War in Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and yet, "We can not find the Financial Resources, or the Political Will Power to Eliminate Poverty at Home!
How is this Possible?

And Why? Because, it is not a Priority to "Them." Saving a Life should be!

And yet, "They claim that the New Escalation of War, in Afghanistan, and Pakistan, will Protect Americans, and Strategic U.S. Interests abroad.
Well, Why isn't it a Priority to Protect, and Save American Lives, and American Interests at Home?

Why? Because, It's Simply Not in "Their Interest" to Do So.
What else could be the Reason?

Yes, Of course, I forgot about the Nuclear Reason.
"We" have to keep Nuclear Weapons out of the Hands of our Enemies.
That is a Good Reason.
However, if, for the last Eight Years, "We" have financed, or Received Financing, from the Chinese, and our Allies, to Conduct Three Wars, (In Afghanistan, Iraq, and A Global War on Terrorism) Why is it that "We" Can not put our Energies into Creating a New War, Except this Time it would be A War to Eliminating Poverty, and Guaranteeing an Education for our Children, and A National Healthcare System for Each and Every American Citizen!

And, Can you Believe
that "We" are planning to have One Hundred Thousand U.S. and Co-alition Combat Troops fighting in Afghanistan/Pakistan by the End of This Year. Incredible!
"We" are not out of Iraq, and already "We" are Committing/Re-missioning our Armed Forces, and Spending our Tax Dollars to Engage in a New Escalation, while "We" have not completed our Mission at Home.

What Mission, You ask, to Put American Citizens, and Its Industries Back to Work.
This should be our First Priority!

And, Our Second Priority should be Consistent with our World View, which is to Attain an Everlasting Peace on Earth!

Its Definitely Time for The U.S. to Adjust its Overall Foreign Policy, and Become more and more a Peace Builder/Peacemaker! And, Let go of its World Empire Philosophy.
"We" should become the Mortar that Holds the Rafters of The Houses/Nations of The World Together.

"We" need to Build Peace Partnerships, and by Our Actions,
Demonstrate that "We" Believe in what "We" Preach.

"We" should Be Focusing on Building A World without Nuclear Weapons, and without Nuclear Energy.
"We" don't need another Chernobyl, or Three Mile Island Catastrophe to Happen again!.

Do you realize how many Nuclear Reactors there are on this Planet? Too Many!
A World without Nuclear Threat, of any kind whats so ever, would be a Highly Admirable Goal for the U.S. and the World Nations to Achieve.
And, Russia and China Must Agree to Be Willing Partners to Lead The Way, in A Joint Effort.

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers, All Across this Beautiful Planet, We Must Join Together to Build a Bridge of Peace, that Can Not Be Destroyed.
Let us Be A Magnificent Soul Force, and Build a Nexus of Peace that is Everlasting.
A Nexus that Our Future Generations Can Be Eternally Proud of!