Monday, May 11, 2009



Calling Planet Earth
Where's The Money?

I was thinking on my Way to prepare for this Blog, If Anyone in The U.S. Congress Realized that "They" were Elected to Represent, "We The People," Because "They" seem to be doing a Good Job Representing Lobbyists, and the Companies that Hire them.
However, "They" are supposed to Be Working on our Behalf, and Not the Lobbyists!

It has been, about, Two Month's since Congress passed the Second Stimulus Package, The First of President OBama's Administration, and Slowly but Surely, People are beginning to ask "Where is The Money?" Even a Few Members of the Defunct U.S. News Media are asking.
Ironically, The Chinese Stimulus Package is already showing results, Ironically, because The U.S. are the Expert's, right?

And, even Wall Street is Concerned. However, my Main concern is the Thousands of American Citizens who have lost Their Homes, Due to the Financial Crises, and the Millions who are Living in Poverty.

Which is More Proof that "The System" doesn't work on the Behalf of "We The People."
Which is More Proof that Capitalism Lacks a Heart and Soul.

What more Proof do you need when there is More Media Coverage, and Interest in the Miss California Debacle, than there is in the Growing Poverty and UN-Employment Problem in the U.S.

And, once again I keep hearing that Health Care Costs need to be Reduced.
I'm, so, tired of Hearing this Over and Over again.
The U.S. Government can, Always, Find, or Borrow Money to Pay for , yet, Another War, But, "They" can not Find the Financing to Pay for A National Health Care Program for its Citizens.
I'm so over Their continuous Rationale, Why "They can not Afford a National Health Care Program.
Our Elective Officials Remind me of Lawyers Who are on Retainer. And,"They" always find an Argument to Prove Their Point.
However, "They" seem to have Forgotten that "They" Represent "We The People." "We" are Paying Their Salaries, Health Care, and Education Benefits, (that "Their" Families are Enjoying) with the Hard Earned Tax Dollars of Millions of American Citizens . They are Employed by Us!

And, while "They" sit in their Committees and "Play Politics," Millions of American Citizens are Homeless.

Maybe, if "We" Voted to Take Away their Health Care, and Education Benefits, "They" would Finally Get the Message, and Pass a National Health Care Bill that Benefits "All The People."

However, I'm Glad that President OBama hasn't lost his Sense of Humor, as was on Display at The White House Congressional Dinner, However, I have.
Millions of Children are Living in Poverty! And, this is No Laughing Matter!

Why isn't He Taking His Policy of Change into the Urban Ghettos, and Tent Cities? Town Hall Meetings just aren't Enough. We need to see "His Soul on His Sleeve," as the Saying Goes.
I would like to see him explain to a Young Child who's Parents are UN-Employed, and can not make ends meet, to feed their Children Properly, just, what is Being Done to Help Them through this Crises.

Its Time for a True Reckoning to Take Place. And, its Definitely Time for a New Change in Attitude in The U.S. Congress.
Have You No Conscious, Have You No Solace, Have You No Soul!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Speak out, There Must Be an End to Poverty, Too Many Children are Starving in this Land of Plenty!